相关教程: VOA标准英语2018年
  • VOA常速英语2018--嘴仗不停歇:特朗普与前FBI局长科米开启互骂模式

    President Trump has gotten personal in a new tweeting tirade against James Comey calling him quote a slimeball, a leaker and a liar and the worst FBI director in history by far. Comey meanwhile is also speaking out. I dont know whether the current pr...

  • VOA常速英语--4月25日:全球疟疾日

    On April 25th we observe World Malaria Day. It is an occasion to recognize the global effort to effectively control, and eventually eliminate, this devastating disease. This year's theme is Ready to Beat Malaria. In 2016, 216 million people became si...

  • VOA常速英语2018--中美贸易战:我们来者不"惧"

    As the United States and China haggle over market access, intellectual property rights and other complex trade issues, the simple question consumers in Beijing are wondering is what impact will the dispute have on the cost of goods and will they ulti...

  • VOA常速英语2018--首届美洲峰会召开 副总统彭斯发表讲话

    At the first Summit of the Americas, member states issued a Declaration of Principles, in which this body agreed to work together to advance the prosperity and democratic values, as well as institutions and security in the hemisphere. The United Stat...

  • VOA常速英语2018--前美国第一夫人芭芭拉逝世

    Barbara Pierce Bush was the US First Lady in the early 1990s, when her husband was the countrys 41st president. She also later become the mother of a president when one of her six children George W. Bush was elected in 2000. I had trouble when I was...

  • VOA常速英语2018--美国多州教师罢工 要求涨薪

    Strikes in Oklahoma and Kentucky. After teachers in West Virginia held out for a 5 percent pay raise, receiving it after a nine-day walkout in one of the poorest states in the U.S. This is a very unusual spring for us, for some of my teachers theyre...

  • VOA常速英语2018--正视躁郁症:及早发现问题 及早应对解决

    Manifestations of bipolar disorder range from mild to severe, but all patients experience periods of exultation and depression, and each has its own symptoms.During manic periods, patients are extremely active, sleepless and sometimes make risky deci...

  • Better Health Security for Haiti

    Better health security for Haitians is the goal of Haiti's National Specimen Referral Network, or NSRN, which is part of the National Public Health Laboratory and the Directorate of Epidemiology, Laboratory and Research in Port-au-Prince. U.S. Ambass...

  • VOA标准英语2018--World Must Stop the Use of Chemical Weapons

    The day we prayed would never come has come again, said U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.Chemical weapons have once again been used on Syrian men, women, and children. Only a monster targets civilians and then ensures that there are...

  • VOA标准英语--Secure Trade and Travel Between U.S. and Mexico

    U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen recently met with Mexican President Enrique Pe?a Nieto to discuss security issues affecting both the United States and Mexico. During their meeting, Secretary Nielsen and President Pe?a Nieto discu...

  • VOA标准英语2018--Top 5 Songs For Week Ending April 14

    We're airborne with the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending April 14, 2018. If you liked last week's lineup, you'll like our new one ... we do get a bit of shuffling just for variety's sake. Number...

  • VOA标准英语2018--U.S. Celebrates Relations With Baltic Nations

    U.S. Celebrates Relations With Baltic Nations President Donald Trump recently welcomed the leaders of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to the White House.The President noted that this year marks the 100th anniversaries of the three Baltic Nations' inde...

  • The conflict in Syria, which started when peaceful protestors urging reform were met with brutal military force by Bashar al-Assad, has entered its eighth year. The carnage has been unspeakable: hundreds of thousands dead; millions displaced; untold...

  • VOA常速英语2018--纪念马丁·路德·金博士

    Today, on the fifty-year anniversary, we mourn the assassination of civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Dr. Martin Luther King. 在五十周年纪念日的这一天,我们悼念民权领袖以及诺奖获得者马丁 路德 金(Mart...

  • VOA常速英语2018--全美纪念民权运动偶像路德金逝世五十周年

    US Marks 50 Years Since Civil Rights Icon Kings Assassination April 9th 1968, the final march of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Junior.Just a few days earlier on the 4th of April,James Earl Ray-the man later convicted of the shooting assassinated K...