相关教程: VOA标准英语2018年
  • VOA常速英语2018--庆贺爱沙尼亚独立100周年

    February 24th marked the one hundredth anniversary of the founding the Republic of Estonia. 2月24日是爱沙尼亚共和国成立100周年纪念日。 The Estonian Declaration of Independence, also known as the Manifesto to the Peoples of Estonia,w...

  • VOA常速英语2018--美国称其在亚洲地位不可撼动

    It is increasingly clear that no geographical area is more important to the future of the United States than the Asia-Pacific. It is home to one-third of the world's population, produces one-third of global GDP, and boasts some of the largest and mos...

  • VOA常速英语2018--穆勒团队指控13名俄罗斯人干涉2016年大选

    The Department of Justice announced on February 16th that a grand jury in the District of Columbia returned an indictment presented by the Special Counsel office headed by Robert Mueller. The indictment charges thirteen Russian nationals and three Ru...

  • VOA常速英语2018--伊拉克着力在驱逐IS后重建经济

    It will take years for Iraq to recover from the devastation caused by ISIS. The country has made tremendous strides forward, said U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at the recent Kuwait Reconstruction Conference on Iraq. 伊拉克需要很多年才能...

  • VOA常速英语2018--美国再次向尼日利亚提供援助金

    Nigeria's health, education, agriculture and governance sectors will get an extra assist from the United States. The U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, announced $89 million in additional development assistance to Nigeria to continu...

  • VOA常速英语2018--美国赠塞内加尔海军6艘巡逻舰

    Maritime security in Senegal got a boost this month with the addition of two patrol boats provided by the United States. In a ceremony at the Dakar Naval Base, U.S. Ambassador to Senegal Tulinabo Mushingi noted that the true prosperity of a maritime...

  • VOA标准英语2018--Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Feb. 24

    We're lifting off with the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending Feb. 24, 2018. Does our top song change this week? No. Do any songs change this week? No. So if you liked last week's chart, you'll lov...

  • VOA常速英语2018--保障美墨边境的儿童健康

    This month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded more than $90,000 to two Texas universities for projects aiming to protect children in US-Mexico border communities from environmental hazards. 本月,美国环境保护署(EPA)奖励...

  • VOA标准英语--Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Feb. 17

    We're on the move with the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending Feb. 17, 2018. Our musical deck gets shuffled this week, but no new songs manage to break into the charmed circle. Number 5: Post Malon...

  • VOA标准英语2018--Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Feb. 10

    Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Feb. 10 We're soaring with the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending February 10, 2018. This is a rare week. Not only do we get a new No. 1 single, it's also the Hot Shot D...

  • VOA常速英语2018--美国呼吁伊朗释放美国公民

    The United States warned the Iranian government that it holds Iran fully accountable for the well-being of detained U.S. citizen Baquer Namazi. Mr. Namazi, who is 81 years old, was recently returned to Evin prison after a brief furlough. He has been...

  • VOA常速英语2018--越南判处数名活动家入狱

    Under article 258 of the penal code, Hoang Duc Binh was charged with abusing freedom and democracy to infringe upon the interests of the State, the legitimate interest and rights of organization and citizen. Human Rights Watch Asia director Brad Adam...

  • As economic and political conditions continue to deteriorate in Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro has turned his sights on another target: national Catholic leaders who have raised their voices against the misery the corrupt Maduro government has v...

  • VOA常速英语2018--南苏丹内战不停歇导致民生凋敝

    In early February, the United States imposed restrictions on the export of defense articles and defense services into South Sudan. The United States does not directly sell arms to South Sudan, but the ban will prevent any U.S. company or citizen from...

  • VOA常速英语2018--美国联手加墨两国保护西半球

    On his recent trip to Mexico, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stressed that Mexico, Canada, and the United States can make a positive difference in the Hemisphere and around the world. He said, When we are unified in our positions and our voice, we...