• The United States is working closely with Nigeria to improve efficiencies in the vital oil sector. 美国正与尼日利亚紧密合作,以提升重要行业石油业的效率。 The U.S. Commercial Service Nigeria sponsored a Single Company Promot...

    The real-time counter on the GSMA Intelligence website shows the constant rise of mobile phone subscribers worldwide. GSMA移动智库(GSMA Intelligence)上的实时统计显示,全球的移动手机用户数量在持续增加。 The market is huge...

    One day after branding top news outlets the enemy of the American people, President Trump continued savaging the news media at a Florida rally. 特朗普在给各大新闻媒体贴上美国人民的敌人这一标签一天后,继续在佛罗里达州...