相关教程: VOA标准英语2017年
  • Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Dec. 2

    Were gathering the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending December 2, 2017. The hit list seems comfortable with offering one new song a week, because thats what we have once more. Number 5: Cardi B. Bo...

  • Syria, Russia Step Up Airstrikes Ahead of Renewed Peace Talks in Geneva

    Talks between the Syrian government and opposition forces aimed at bringing an end to the six-year war resume Tuesday in Geneva. Nearly half a million people have been killed since the President Bashar al-Assads crackdown on an uprising during the 20...

  • VOA标准英语--US Senate to Vote on Tax Overhaul

    This week could decide whether Republicans salvage one of President Donald Trumps major agenda items during his first year in office or head into a midterm election year with no landmark legislative accomplishments to tout. In coming days, Senate Rep...

  • Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Nov. 25

    Were feasting on the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending Nov. 25, 2017. Its Thanksgiving week, and right on schedule, the chart sends us a tasty new title. Number 5: Imagine Dragons Thunder Lets beg...

  • Two and a half years into the Syrian civil war, the Syrian government attacked its own people with chemical weapons. On August 21st, 2013, rockets delivering deadly Sarin gas landed in Ghouta, a rebel-controlled suburb of Damascus. It is not clear ho...

  • VOA常速英语2017--特朗普访华期间呼吁与中国进行平等合作

    Cooperation, responsibility and respect were recurrent themes of President Donald Trump's recent visit to China. 合作、责任与尊重是特朗普总统最近出访中国期间最常出现的字眼。 In conversations between Mr. Trump and Chinese...

  • Over the past few years, the global community has dealt severe, even debilitating defeats to some of the most high-profile terrorist organizations around the globe. Nonetheless, terrorism still poses an existential threat to many states around the wo...

  • VOA常速英语2017--约旦助力叙利亚难民进行战后心理康复

    In the six and a half years since Syria's civil war began, more than 5 million Syrians have abandoned their homes and fled the country to escape the violence unleashed by Bashar al-Assad's regime against its own people. Today, more than 5 million peo...

  • VOA常速英语2017--:药物过量成美国人意外死亡的罪魁祸首

    The United States is in the midst of its most severe drug epidemic since the 1980s. Today, more people are dying from drug overdoses than from gun homicides and motor vehicles combined, said President Donald Trump: 美国正面临着自20世纪80年代...

  • 石油泄漏致尼日利亚的新生儿死亡率翻倍

    Nigeria Oil Spills Double Risk of Infant Mortality, Research Shows Babies are much more likely to die in their first few weeks of life if their mothers live close to the site of an oil spill, according to new research. Scientists studied data on infa...

  • VOA标准英语--随着TPS准备结束,海地人计划下一步行动

    As TPS Prepares to End, NY Haitians Plan Next Steps Nearly eight years after Haitis devastating earthquake killed more than 200,000 people on the island, the Trump administration has decided to end its designated security program known as TPS, or Tem...

  • VOA常速英语2017--刚果举办科技营应对健康危机

    The United States is working with the Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of the Congo to better combat the outbreak of deadly disease. In October, the U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa hosted a two-day TechCamp, The Congos: Ground Zero for the Preventi...

  • The United States commends the decision of Masoud Barzani not to seek an additional term as President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. The U.S. also supports the vote of the Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament to distribute presidential authorities to other Kur...

  • VOA常速英语2017--美国支持约旦河西岸的排雷工作

    The West Bank is littered with landmines and unexploded ordnance, due to decades of conflict beginning as far back as 1948. A survey conducted in 2012 identified 90 minefields. Of these, 13 were laid by the Jordanian military between 1948 and 1967. T...

  • VOA常速英语2017--孟加拉国助力缅甸难民安全回国

    As part of the continuing U.S.-Bangladesh Partnership Dialogue, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas A. Shannon recently met with Bangladeshi Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque in Dhaka. They discussed further strengthening the U.S.-Ba...