• • VOA常速英语2017--法国穆斯林移民缺乏安全感

    Like the famed stained glass in Chartres' ancient cathedral, the population of France has many facets. 就像古老的沙特尔大教堂中的镶铅玻璃窗一样,法国的人口组成也有多个方面。 Away from the city center, this is the ne...

  • • VOA常速英语2017--打击叙利亚IS取得新进展

    In Iraq and Syria, U.S.-led coalition forces are making progress in the fight against ISIL, including in two crucial areas: killing its leaders, and taking back territory. 美国领导的联军军力在打击伊拉克和叙利亚的IS方面取得了进...