• VOA慢速英语--大学招生:准备能力测试

    College Admissions: Preparing to Test Your Abilities For many would-be college students, testing is the most difficult part of the undergraduate application process. Applicants sit for hours taking tests. They answer questions about a number of subje...

  • 特朗普声称“贸易战很好,我们很容易取胜。”

    Trump: Trade Wars Are Good, Easy to Win President Donald Trump is defending his plan to raise taxes on steel and aluminum imports entering the United States. Trump declared on Friday that trade wars are good, and easy to win -- a claim that some Amer...

  • VOA慢速英语--让本地特色食物更有营养

    Making Local Food More Nutritious About one in three people worldwide eats food that fills them up but lacks protein, vitamins and minerals. Health experts have a name for this situation: hidden hunger. It can lead to weakness in the bodys natural de...

  • The Academy May Not Like It, But Politics Might Star at the Oscars

    If any of this years Oscar winners use their acceptance speech to push a political cause, you can thank or blame Marlon Brando. The actors performance as Vito Corleone in the 1972 film The Godfather is widely celebrated. But his action connected to t...

  • 'The Diamond Lens' by Fitz-James O'Brien, Part One

    Our story today is called The Diamond Lens. It was written by Fitz-James O'Brien. We will tell the story in two parts. Now, here is Maurice Joyce with part one of The Diamond Lens. When I was ten years old, one of my older cousins gave me a microscop...

  • 尼日利亚受害者要求虐童案得到公正对待

    Nigerian Families Demand Justice in Child Abuse Cases Activists in Nigeria are seeking stronger laws to punish those found guilty of sexually abusing children. Their appeals come as some families break the culture of silence surrounding the issue and...

  • 宣称新型武器“天下无敌”

    Putin Claims Russia Has New Weapons to Make Others 'Useless' Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia has developed new nuclear weapons that cannot be stopped by western defense systems. 总统表示,已经开发出西方国...

  • 校园枪击事件导致企业大范围改变枪支管理措施

    School Shooting Leads Companies to Change Gun Positions The recent shooting attack at a Florida high school has renewed heated debate about gun control in the United States. America remains divided on the issue. Both sides have mainly held their posi...

  • Everyday Grammar: You Had Better Learn Modals!

    For VOA Learning English, this is Everyday Grammar. This week we are going to show you how to give advice using modal verbs. Modal verbs (called modals for short) are auxiliary verbs that express a speaker's attitude and the strength of that attitude...

  • VOA慢速英语2018 印度哀悼宝莱坞明星少女

    This is Whats Trending Today. Thousands of mourning fans paid their respects Wednesday to one of Bollywoods biggest stars, Sridevi Kapoor. 数万名悲痛的粉丝周三向宝莱坞巨星诗丽黛玮阿雅潘(Sridevi Kapoor)表达悼念。 The actres...

  • 柬埔寨对美国削减援助的决定感到悲哀

    Cambodia Saddened over US Decision to Cut Aid Cambodia is criticizing the United States government for deciding to cut the amount of aid it gives the country. The Trump administration said in a statement Tuesday it was stopping or reducing aid progra...

  • VOA慢速英语2018 美副总统彭斯赴韩或会见朝鲜官员

    Pence Leaves Open Possibility to Meet North Korean Officials U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is not ruling out a meeting with North Korean officials during his trip to South Korea to attend the Winter Olympics. 美国副总统迈克彭斯(Mike Pence)...

  • VOA慢速英语2018 波兰总统将签署大屠杀法案

    Polish President Will Sign Holocaust Law Polish President Andrzej Duda said Tuesday he will sign a law that would make it a crime to suggest Poles share the blame for Nazi crimes during the Holocaust. 波兰总统安杰伊杜达(Andrzej Duda)称,...

  • VOA慢速英语2018 UNICEF:不稳定国家青少年文盲率近30%

    UNICEF: Conflict, Disasters Leave 59 Million Young People Illiterate Almost 60 million young people who live in countries affected by conflict or natural disaster are illiterate, the United Nations Children's Fund or UNICEF, said this week. 本周,联...

  • VOA慢速英语2018 费城老鹰队首夺"超级碗"

    Philadelphia Eagles Team Is Underdog No More This is What's Trending Today ...这里是《今日热点》节目。 The underdog Philadelphia Eagles football team has won its first Super Bowl. The team defeated the favored New England Patriots in the...