• • VOA慢速英语--天文观测者期待“月亮超级碗”

    Sky Watchers Prepare For the 'Super Bowl' of Moons This is What's Trending Today. The moon is providing a rare triple treat this week. 月亮将会在本周给人们带来一次罕见的三重乐趣。 On Wednesday, much of the world will get to see...

  • • VOA慢速英语2018

    A Mix of Politics and Music at the Grammys This is What's Trending today... 这里是今日热点节目。 Politics co-starred with music at the 60th Grammy awards Sunday night in New York City. 周日晚间在纽约市举行的格莱美颁奖典礼上...

  • • VOA慢速英语2018--Trump in Davos: ‘America First’ Does Not Mean ‘America Alone’

    United States President Donald Trump repeated his America First message in a speech Friday to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. 美国总统川普周五在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛上发表讲话时再次重申了他的美...