• Herbert Hoover: Blamed

    VOA Learning English presents Americas Presidents. Today we are talking about Herbert Hoover. He took office in 1929. Hoover was president for the early years of what Americans call the Great Depression. During those years, the United States economy...

  • VOA慢速英语2017--卡尔文·库利奇:沉默

    Calvin Coolidge: Silent VOA Learning English presents Americas Presidents. Today we are talking about Calvin Coolidge. He was the vice president under Warren Harding. When Harding died suddenly a little more than two years into his term, Coolidge bec...

  • VOA慢速英语2017--Warren Harding: Damaged

    VOA Learning English presents Americas Presidents. Today we are talking about Warren Harding. He was the 29th president of the United States. Harding was very different from the 28th president, Woodrow Wilson. Wilson supported change; Harding promise...

  • VOA慢速英语--伍德罗·威尔逊:理想主义者

    Woodrow Wilson: Idealist VOA Learning English presents Americas Presidents. Today we are talking about Woodrow Wilson. He served two terms, from 1913 to 1921, and led the United States through the first World War. Wilson might have seemed an unlikely...

  • 泰式“卷冰霜”冰淇淋风靡美国

    Thai-Style 'Rolled Ice Cream' Getting Popular in U.S. This is Whats Trending Today. The weather in the Northern Hemisphere may be getting cooler, but there is still time left to enjoy frozen desserts typical of summer. One of the most traditional war...

  • VOA慢速英语2017 专家不认为朝鲜会瞄准美国战机

    Experts Doubt North Korea Would Target US Warplanes Military experts say North Korea does not have the ability or the desire to attack United States warplanes near the Korean Peninsula. 军事专家表示,朝鲜没有攻击朝鲜半岛附近美国战...

  • Iraqi Kurds Leader Claims Victory in Independence Vote

    Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani claimed victory in the referendum vote for independence and called for a dialogue with the Iraqi government. In a televised address, Barzani said negotiations are the right path to solve the problems, not threats o...

  • 小丑形象的前世今生

    Image of Clowns Changing Over the Years Clowns are almost everywhere these days in popular culture. They can be seen in movies, on television shows, at musical performances, and sometimes just walking in the streets. Clowns are perhaps best known for...

  • 合作或会改变你对工作小组的看法

    Cooperative Learning May Change Your Mind About Group Work Two heads are better than one. Or so the expression goes. It means that two people working together have a better chance of solving a problem than one person alone. But not everyone likes wor...

  • North Korea Claims US Has Declared War

    North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho says the United States has declared war on his country. Ri made the statement to reporters in New York City on Monday. He added that his country would take counter-actions, including shooting down American war...

  • Trump Extends New Travel Restrictions to Eight Countries

    Travelers to the United States from eight countries face new restrictions under a document that President Donald Trump signed on Sunday. 根据美国总统川普周日签署的文件,来自8个国家的旅客将会面临新的限制。 The new rest...

  • Bank Case Reveals Vietnam’s Continued Corruption Problems

    The Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security recently began investigating three companies under the state-owned gas and oil group PetroVietnam. The companies may have tried to divert more than $5 million from a Vietnamese financial institution called O...

  • US Education Chief Cancels Rules on Sexual Assaults

    American colleges are deciding whether to change how they investigate sexual assaults after a directive from Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Last Friday, DeVos withdrew official guidance on how college and university officials deal with sexual assau...

  • Sports Officials, Players Stand Up to Trump's Criticism

    This is Whats Trending Today. People in the United States have been talking about Colin Kaepernick for over a year. If you have not been following American football, here is his story. Last year, Kaepernick was a player for the San Francisco 49ers of...

  • WHO: Too Many People Dying from Non-Communicable Diseases

    From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Lifestyle report. The World Health Organization (WHO) says progress is being made in reducing deaths from non-communicable diseases (NCDs). But it says much more needs to be done to save the almost 40 mil...