• Cambodian-Americans to Help Cambodia's Basketball Team

    Cambodian-Americans to Help Cambodia's Basketball Team Cambodias National Basketball team is preparing to play in the Southeast Asian Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in August. Pek Mith is the teams captain. He told VOA Khmer that the team will play...

  • VOA慢速英语2017 数十万索马里人因为干旱和冲突流离失所

    Hundreds of Thousands of Somalis Displaced by Drought, Conflict Drought and conflict have caused a new displacement crisis in the southern part of Somalia. 干旱和冲突造成了索马里南部新的流离失所危机。 Gerard Waite is chief of mi...

  • VOA慢速英语--非营利组织帮助纽约的老年

    Nonprofits Help Elderly Immigrants in New York City For five hours a day, three days a week, more than 150 aging Bangladeshis exercise, eat, pray and talk together at the Jamaica Muslim Center in Queens, New York. A few kilometers away, at the Desi S...

  • Cities Aim to Make Once-Polluted Rivers Safe for Swimming

    Cities Aim to Make Once-Polluted Rivers Safe for Swimming Holding hands, people jumped in the water, and floated around in Bostons Charles River recently. That is something that would not have been possible years ago because the river was so polluted...

  • VOA慢速英语--Grover Cleveland: Repeated

    Grover Cleveland: Repeated VOA Learning English presents Americas Presidents. Today we are talking about Grover Cleveland. When Americans remember him, it is mostly because he makes writing presidential timelines difficult. Cleveland was the nations...

  • Nigeria’s 'Queen of Golf' Helps Others Learn the Game

    Nigerias 'Queen of Golf' Helps Others Learn the Game About 30 young people gathered on a golf course in the Nigerian capital Abuja recently on a hot Saturday morning to practice their swing. The students were as young as three and as old as 16. For a...

  • Activists Say Censorship in North Korea Will Not Last

    Activists Say Censorship in North Korea Will Not Last North Korea has increased efforts in recent years to prevent outside information from entering the country. But international activists say technology and outside forces will one day lead to the e...

  • Better Conditions Make for Happier Cows and Farmers

    Better Conditions Make for Happier Cows and Farmers It turns out that happy cows produce better milk. The finding is not new. The California Milk Advisory Board has been saying it for years. But now a team of researchers, working with the University...

  • Surprising Origin of 'To Keep at Bay'

    Surprising Origin of 'To Keep at Bay' Now, it's time for Words and Their Stories from VOA Learning English. On this program, we explore everyday expressions that we use in conversation. Americans often use the first saying we will talk about today. B...

  • Are Video Games the Next Big College Sport?

    Are Video Games the Next Big College Sport? New kinds of competitors are joining student athletes at colleges and universities around the country. But not everyone agrees that these video game players are taking part in a sport. Sports are an establi...

  • Trump Chooses Kansas Governor to Lead Religious Freedom Efforts

    Trump Chooses Kansas Governor to Lead Religious Freedom Efforts President Donald Trump chose the Republican governor of Kansas to lead American government support of religious freedom across the world. If approved by the Senate, Governor Sam Brownbac...

  • US Sanctions Bill Goes to Trump, Russia Responds

    US Sanctions Bill Goes to Trump, Russia Responds The United States Congress has approved a bill placing new sanctions on Russia, Iran and North Korea. The measure passed both houses of Congress this week. The vote in the House was 419-3, while the Se...

  • VOA慢速英语2017 特朗普任命约翰·凯利为新任白宫办公厅主任

    Trump Names John Kelly as New White House Chief of Staff In a change of leadership in the White House, President Donald Trump says retired General John Kelly is his new chief of staff. 在白宫领导阶层的变更中,总统唐纳德特朗普称退休...

  • Barbecue: An American Food Tradition

    Barbecue: An American Food Tradition For some Americans, summertime means visiting the beaches or national parks. For others, it means attending baseball games. And for many, it means cooking, eating, and generally enjoying American barbecue. Barbecu...

  • VOA慢速英语--'The Cop and the Anthem,' by O. Henry

    'The Cop and the Anthem,' by O. Henry Soapy moved restlessly on his seat in Madison Square. There are certain signs to show that winter is coming. Birds begin to fly south. Women who want nice new warm coats become very kind to their husbands. And So...