• Wildlife Officials Find Evidence of Rare Australian Bird

    Indigenous wildlife officials in Australia have found new evidence of one of the countrys rarest and most mysterious birds. It is called the night parrot. The bird was thought to be extinct until a sighting in 2013. There have been very few sightings...

  • Changing Colleges in the US Is Complex, Costly

    Savannah College of Art and Design, or SCAD, is a private university in the American state of Georgia. In 2003, Sarah Luthans believed it would be the best place for her to study painting. But after two years there, Luthans found she wanted more crea...

  • VOA慢速英语2017--George Lucas

    00:00:02 OPRAH WINFREY: Hattie Mae, this child is gifted, and I heard that enough that I started to believe it. 00:00:08 ROGER BANNISTER: If you have the opportunity, not a perfect opportunity, and you don't take it, you may never have another chance...

  • 非政府组织呼吁对柬埔寨政府采取行动

    A group of 55 non-governmental organizations published a letter Monday calling for a new Paris Peace Conference because of a severe deterioration in the state of human rights and democracy in Cambodia. The letter was released on the 26th anniversary...

  • VOA慢速英语--西班牙将解散加泰罗尼亚政府

    Spain Dismisses Catalonia Government after Independence Declaration Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has dismissed Catalonias government and called for a new election. The move came shortly after Catalonias parliament passed a measure declaring i...

  • 《佛罗里达计划》探索迪士尼阴影下贫困儿童的生活

    'The Florida Project' Explores the Lives of Poor Kids in Disney's Shadow Millions of children dream of going to Disney World, the most famous theme park in America. Families travel to the Orlando, Florida site from all around the United States and th...

  • VOA慢速英语2017--'The Furnished Room,' by O. Henry

    Restless, always moving, forever passing like time itself, are most of the people who live in these old red houses. This is on New Yorks West Side. The people are homeless, yet they have a hundred homes. They go from furnished room to furnished room....

  • VOA慢速英语2017 弗朗西斯教皇给国际空间站打去电话

    Pope Francis Makes Phone Call to Outer Space Here's What's Trending Today... Pope Francis is making his first telephone call above the earth -- and into space. 教宗方济各首次在地球上同太空通话。 On Thursday, the pope called the Inter...

  • 塞拉利昂拍卖世上最大钻石济贫

    Sierra Leone to Sell Multi-million Dollar Diamond to Help Poor Sierra Leone hopes to raise millions of dollars for development projects by selling a large uncut diamond. It is believed to be one of the largest diamonds in the world. The public sale w...

  • 警察与抗议者在肯尼亚选举中发生冲突

    Police, Protestors Clash in Kenyas Election On Thursday, Kenyan police fired bullets and tear gas at stone-throwing protesters who were against a repeat of the countrys disputed presidential election. In Kenyas third largest city, Kisumu, gunfire kil...

  • VOA慢速英语--男子面临被驱逐出美国

    Mentally Disabled Man Faces Expulsion from US Guillermo Peralta Martinez does not know how old he is or where he was born. He does not even know his mothers name. He also does not know if he is a legal resident of the United States. Martinez appears...

  • VOA慢速英语2017--动词和日常用语中的不定式

    Verbs and Infinitives in Everyday Speech The 1977 movie Star Wars is an American classic, with many memorable lines and characters. At one point in the film, the character C-3PO says the following words: We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in...

  • Helping America's Homeless with Socks

    Tom Costello Jr. was once afraid of homeless Americans. I was so afraid that if I saw a homeless person walking down the street, Id cross the street, he said. That changed seven years ago after his wife, a volunteer at a homeless shelter, persuaded h...

  • VOA慢速英语2017 Airlines Begin New Security Measures for Flights to US

    Five airline companies plan to question all passengers on flights going to the United States starting Thursday. 五家航空公司计划从周四开始对所有前往美国的乘客进行提问。 The companies are beginning the security interviews a...

  • VOA慢速英语--Kurds in Iraq Offer to Suspend Independence Effort

    Iraqi Kurds offered on Wednesday to suspend the results of an independence vote and to start talks with the government in Baghdad. However, an Iraqi military spokesman suggested that, regardless of talks, an offensive would continue to capture territ...