• Siri vs. Google Assistant – Which Assistant Is Best for You?

    Android and Apple fans have always argued about which phone is better. Now they can debate which digital assistant is better. Using your voice to give commands to a computer once seemed like science fiction. Now we expect our phones to provide such a...

  • 特丽萨可能确认英国退出欧盟单一市场

    British Prime Minister Theresa May says Britain will leave the European Unions single market. May spoke to government employees and diplomats at Lancaster House in London on Tuesday. She had been under pressure to provide a plan following Britains vo...

  • VOA慢速英语2017 特朗普:或改变外国援助项目

    With a new U.S. president coming Friday, changes in foreign policies and aid will likely follow. What those changes will be are not yet fully known. 随着星期五新美国总统的上任,外交政策和援助政策可能会随之有所变动。将会...

  • VOA慢速英语20117 美国学校增设瑜伽练习

    Along with subjects like reading and mathematics, school children at the Robert W. Coleman Elementary School are learning how to spend time in quiet thought. 除了阅读和数学这些科目之外,罗伯特W科尔曼小学的学生们还在如...

  • VOA慢速英语--马来西亚370航班搜索结束,但是仍旧神秘

    The search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has officially ended, nearly three years after the plane mysteriously disappeared. Transport ministers from Malaysia, Australia and China announced Tuesday the search had officially been suspended. The Boei...

  • Trump Clash with John Lewis Leads to Inauguration Boycott

    Lewis is a Congressman from the American state of Georgia. He represents the city of Atlanta and its suburbs. Over the weekend, Lewis had this to say about incoming President-elect Donald Trump: I don't see the President-elect as a legitimate preside...

  • VOA慢速英语2016--黎巴嫩新一届内阁组建完成心脏肌肉再生也许成为可能

    From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Lifestyle report. It may seem like a moment in a science fiction movie. In a fierce battle, a creature loses an arm but, then, grows another one to take its place. However, this is not science fiction. It...

  • Washington Businesses, Hotels Prepare for Trump Inauguration

    On January 20, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Hundreds of thousands of people will gather in Washington, D.C to attend the inauguration on the steps of the Capitol Building. Eight years ago, Barack Obama, th...

  • Very Large Crack Creating Iceberg in Antarctica

    Researchers say part of a very large shelf of ice on Antarctica could soon break off and become an iceberg. A team of scientists is closely watching part of the Larsen Ice Shelf, off the coast of northwestern Antarctica. The area is connected to land...

  • New Orleans Cooking Meets a Taste of Vietnam

    Americans in Maine would say their state is best known for its seafood, especially lobster. Texas and North and South Carolina argue about which state has the best barbecue. And the same goes for New Yorkers and people from Chicago when it comes to w...

  • VOA慢速英语--MLK Day: The Fight for a Holiday to Celebrate Peace

    In 1968, American civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed outside his motel room. Four days later, a congressman proposed a federal holiday honoring King. It was to be a holiday celebrating peace. Who could object to such a...

  • The Cost of Doing Business

    Now, the VOA Learning English program Words and Their Stories. There are many special terms in the world of business. The following story is about a woman who has a business making signs. She tells us about a recent sweetheart deal. She made a deal w...

  • VOA慢速英语2017 心碎综合征?伤心欲绝并非空穴来风

    Debbie Reynolds' son, Todd Fisher, said his mother told him that the death of her daughter, Carrie Fisher, was too much for her. On Wednesday, one day after Fisher's death, Reynolds, 84, died. I want to be with Carrie, is what she said just before he...

  • VOA慢速英语207 中国尼泊尔将于2017年举行联合军演

    China and Nepal are preparing to hold their first-ever joint military exercises, officials from both countries confirmed. 中尼两国官员确认称,双方准备举行首次联合军事演习。 A spokesman for China's Defense Ministry said last w...

  • VOA慢速英语2017 何等幸运!纽约一司机连遇236个绿灯

    This is What's Trending Today. 这里是《今日热点》节目。 Noah Forman is an Uber driver in New York City. 诺亚福尔曼(Noah Forman)是纽约市一名优步司机。 He is an experienced driver in a city known for its severe traffic j...