• • 100年前的生活妙招:杯子卡在一起怎么办?

    People don't often look back on the early 1900's for advice, but what if we could actually learn something from the Lost Generation? 通常人们不会为了求取生活妙方而去回顾20世纪初的年代,不过如果那个垮掉的一代真的能...

  • • 五条垂暮之年才明白的道理

    下面是小编为大家今天推荐的一篇双语美文,快来欣赏吧. 英语美文 Life is not easy when you are pursuing something worthwhile and ready to learn from the best experiences. Most of the time, we learn the lessons from the old and...

  • • 美文欣赏:找寻迷失的自己

    下面是小编为大家推荐的双语阅读文摘,下面一起来看下吧. Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves. Henry David Thoreau 迷失自我,才能开始认识自我。亨利大卫梭罗 Everything about my future was a...

  • • 双语阅读:回到过去,想对当年的自己说

    I asked a number of different people what advice they would give their younger selves. The responses are unedited below and are directly from responders to this question: 我向许多不同的人提了一个问题,即你想对过去的自己提些什...

  • • 让大脑更锋利的5个健脑技巧


  • • 教你如何用英语说情话,拒绝再做单身狗!

    国庆又要到了,还要一个人孤单玩耍吗?英文文摘小编教你如何用英语说情话,拒绝再做单身狗! 1、You are a dreamboat. 你是位(异性所追求的)理想人选。 2、You are such a dish. 你是个绝色美人 。...

  • • 双语:致未来的男朋友

    My Dear Future Boyfriend, 致亲爱的未来的那个你: I have seen my share of immature first loves and the painful heartbreaks that follow. When I look back now, I feel that I have grown up. I know my priorities in life. I know myself and I am...

  • • 让你无意间就变傲慢的七种肢体语言

    肢体语言也是可以传达信息的哦!七个小习惯让你无意间就变傲慢。一起随小编来本期英语阅读中了解一下吧! You need to be conscious of yourbody language. It's advice you've heard time and time again. But, in m...

  • • 5分钟养成健康的生活习惯


  • • 说走就走的自驾游

    你是否经历过自驾游呢?如果你曾梦想开车上路去探索世界,舒适紧凑的野营车可能是你最好的旅行搭档。一起随小编来英语阅读了解一下吧 Able to sleep two adults or four family members, the snug Tearc...

  • • 世界那么大:教你做一个傲娇的旅行者

    世界那么大, 我想去看看。本期英语阅读,小编教你做一个傲娇的旅行者! 1. Travellers get excited and a bit nervous before travel. 旅行者出发前既兴奋又有点紧张。 Nervousness is typical of travellers. 旅行者往...