• • 真实生活英语Unit1:Finding a Job 找工作

    I. Finding a Job 找工作 Unit 1 Job Searching 求 职 Part One: Expressions 1. Are you hiring? 你们招人吗? 2. I saw your ad* in the paper and wanted to apply for the job. 我看到你们在报纸上登的广告想来应聘这个工作。 3.

  • • 真实生活英语Unit2:Employment and Job Services就业和工

    Unit 2 Employment and Job Services 就 业 和 工 作 Part One: Expressions 1. I work full-time at the University hospital. 我在大学医务室全职工作。 2. I had a part-time job waiting tables when I was in college. 我读大学的时候做过

  • • 真实生活英语Unit3:The Working Environment工作环境

    Unit 3 The Working Environment 工 作 环 境 Part One: Expressions 1. Id like to make an appointment to see Mr. Smith, please. 我想预约和史密斯先生见面。 2. Could you tell me where his office is? 你可以告诉我他的办公室在哪儿

  • • 真实生活英语Unit6:Holidays假期

    Unit 6 Holidays 假 期 Part One: Expressions 1. What are you up to? 你去哪里? 2. Im just going to take it easy. 我只想放松一下。 3. I have the day off. 我不用上班。 4. Do you have any plans? 你有何计划? 5. Can I check this

  • • 真实生活英语Unit7:American's Favorites

    Ⅲ SPORTS Unit 7 Americans Favorites美 国 人 的 爱 好 Part One Expressions 1.Cal Ripken just hit a home run. 卡尔利普金击出一个本垒打。 2.Whats the score? 比分是多少? 3.Whos winning? 谁赢了? 4.The referee just called a

  • • 真实生活英语Unit8:Extreme Games 极限运动

    Unit 8 Extreme Games (X-Games) 极 限 运 动 Part One: Expressions 1.Im sorry I missed it. 真是遗憾我没有去。 2. We rappelled down a 300-foot cliff. 我们从300英尺的悬崖攀爬而下。 3.It was very a very difficult climb because th

  • • 真实生活英语Unit9:More American sporting activities

    Unit 9 More American sporting activities 美 式 体 育 活 动 Part One: Expressions 1.I started playing ice hockey in a community league. 我开始在一个社团里打冰球。 2. What position do you play? 你打什么位置? 3. I play goalie,

  • • 真实生活英语Unit10:Health care保健

    Ⅳ Health 健康 Unit 10 Health care 保 健 Part One: Expressions 1. I have a horrible toothache. 我的牙痛得要命。 2. I hate dentists. 我讨厌牙医。 3. Stop being such a baby. 别象个孩子似的。 4. Shes broken up about it. 她无法

  • • 真实生活英语Unit11:Hospitals and Clinics医院和门诊

    Unit 11 Hospitals and Clinics 医 院 和 门 诊 Part One: Expressions 1. Are you all right? 你还好吗? 2. Hes not answering. 他没有回应。 3. Someone has passed out. 有人昏倒了。 4. Thats a nasty infection you have. 你得了严重的

  • • 真实生活英语Unit12:Diseases & Social Problems

    Unit 12 Diseases Social Problems 疾 病 和 社 会 问 题 Part One: Expressions 1. You really should stop smoking. 你真的应该戒烟了。 2. I dont smoke too much, though. 我烟瘾不是很重。 3.He died of lung cancer. 他死于肺癌。

  • • 真实生活英语Unit13:Schools学校

    V. Education Unit 13 Schools 学 校 Part One: Expressions 1. What school do you go to? 你读什么学校? 2. Im applying for law school. 我在申请读法律学校。 3. Whats your favourite subject? 你最喜欢什么科目? 4. Whats your maj

  • • 真实生活英语Unit14:Training培训

    Unit 14 Training 培 训 Part One: Expressions 1. You look tan. 你的皮肤黝黑发亮。 2. I just got back from camp. 我刚从营地回来。 3. How was it? 怎么样? 4. Like what? 比方说? 5. I went horseback riding. 我骑马了。 6. I

  • • 真实生活英语Unit15:Further Education进修

    Unit 15 Further Education 进 修 Part One: Expressions 1. Im calling about your continuing education program. 我打电话来询问你们的继续教育课程有关情况。 2. I want to become certified in secondary education. 我想获得中等教育