• • 销售-零售业英语(a_P11-15)

    [00:00.00]Part 11 向客人道歉 [00:01.49]向客人道歉 [00:02.98]1.Miscalculation [00:05.05]对话1 找错钱 [00:07.13]S:Here's your change,sir. [00:08.75]这是找你的零钱,先生. [00:10.37]C:I think I've been shortchanged. [00:12.30]我想你

  • • 销售-零售业英语(b_1)

    [00:00.00]1.女士服装 1.S:Are you looking for something in particular,madam? [00:02.60]各行业销售实用会话 您在找什么吗,小姐? [00:05.20]C:Yes,I need a dress for a wedding party. [00:07.42]是的,我想买一条参加婚礼时穿的裙

  • • 销售-零售业英语(b_2)

    [00:00.00]8.冲晒店 C:Could you please have these films developed? [00:02.49]请把这些胶卷冲晒出来. [00:04.99]S:When would you want them back? [00:06.71]你什么时候来取呢? [00:08.44]C:Two hours later.Is that alright? [00:10.57]两小时

  • • 公司英语-不去不行

    [00:00.00]I don't know what to say at the morning staff assembly tomorrow. [00:01.93]明天例会我说些什么好呢? [00:03.87]Why the heck do we have to sing the company song in the morning? [00:06.01]干嘛我们一早就得唱公司歌? [00

  • • 公司英语-今宵有约

    [00:00.00]I have to take Mr.Ouyang from Company X out drinking tonight. [00:02.39]今晚我得招待X公司的欧阳经理出去喝酒。 [00:04.78]I have a lot of people to take out this week. [00:06.13]本星期我得接待很多人。 [00:07.47]Th

  • • 公司英语-偶尔不错

    [00:00.00]I'll have to remember to bring a lot of business cards. [00:01.70]我得记着带很多名片。 [00:03.40]I can't miss that train tomorrow morning,so I'm going to bed early tonight. [00:05.58]明天早上我不能错过那列车,所以今天

  • • 公司英语-兴高采烈

    [00:00.00]I'm broke now that it's just before payday. [00:01.85]刚好在发薪日前我已一文不名。 [00:03.71]This month has been quite a drain on my wallet. [00:05.58]我这个月的花费真不少。 [00:07.44]After taxes and insurance,there