• • 英语小达人 1 Good Fortune, Bad Fortune

    Unit 1 Good Fortune, Bad Fortune 单元1 好运和霉运 A frog goes to have his fortune told. 有只青蛙跑去算命。 The fortuneteller looks at his little webbed palm and says, Aha! You're about to meet a beautiful young lady who is going to wa

  • • 英语小达人 2 Amazing Pet

    Unit 2 Amazing Pet 单元 2 令人惊讶的宠物 A man goes into a pet shop and tells the owner that he wants to buy a pet that can do everyting. The shop owner suggests a faithful dog. 有个人走进一家宠物店,跟老板说要买一只万能宠

  • • 英语小达人 英语听力 4 Good Excuse

    Unit 4 Good Excuse 单元 4 好借口 There was a middle-aged man who bought a Mercedes convertible 2000. 有个中年男子买了一辆奔驰2000敞篷车。 He took off down the road, flooring it up to 80 mph and enjoying the wind blowing through w

  • • 在线听力:英语小达人 5 Who's Got Brains?

    Unit 5 Who's Got Brains? 单元 5 谁有脑子? In the hospital, where their family member laygravely ill, the relatives gathered in the waiting room. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired andsomber. 家属全部聚集在医院的等候室,守着

  • • 在线听力:英语小达人 6 Hot Air Balloon

    Unit 6 Hot Air Balloon 单元 6 热气球 A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. 有个人驾着热气球,却发现自己迷路了。他降低高度后,发现下面有个人。

  • • 在线听力:英语小达人 10 Who Killed My Dog?

    Unit 10 Who Killed My Dog? 单元 10 谁杀了我的狗? A timid little man ventured into a biker bar in the Bronx , and clearing his throat asked, Um, err, which of you gentlemen owns the Doberman tied outside to the parking meter ? 一个害羞的小

  • • 在线听力:英语小达人 11 Amazing pig

    Unit 11 Amazing pig 单元 11 惊人的猪 A reporter hear about an amazing pig and goes out to the farm in Arkansas to get the story. He finds the farmer near teh barn and asks him if the rumors about his pig are ture. 一名记者听闻有条惊人的

  • • 在线听力:英语小达人 12 Payroll Pete

    Unit 12 Payroll Pete 第12 单元 发薪名单里的彼特 Two men sit down for lunch in the office cafeteria. 有两个人坐在办公大楼的自助餐厅里吃中餐。 Hey, whatever happened to Pete in payroll? one asked. 喂,发薪名单里怎么

  • • 在线听力:英语小达人 14 The origin of Adam and Eve

    Unit 14 The origin of Adam and Eve 第14单元 亚当和夏娃的出身 A Brit, a Frenchman and a Russian are viewing a painting of Adam and Eve frolicking in the Garden of Eden. 英国人、法国人和俄国人一起看着一幅亚当和夏娃在伊甸

  • • 在线听力:英语小达人 15 Two Farmers

    Unit 15 Two Farmers 第15单元 两个农夫 A Texan farmer goes into Australia for a vacation. There he meets an Aussie farmer and gets talking. 有个德州农夫去澳洲度假时遇见一个澳洲农夫,两人攀谈了起来。 The Aussie shows