• • 英语流行口语 2.Introduction 介绍

    [00:02.74]介绍 [00:05.49]Introduction oneself [00:08.42]自我介绍 [00:11.36]Hi!I'm... [00:14.00]我叫...(较随便) [00:16.64]A:Excuse me ,are you Jane? B:No,I'm Mary. [00:19.42]请问,你是珍妮吗?不,我叫玛丽。 [00:22.20]A:Oh,ar...

  • • 英语流行口语 3.commencing a Conversation 开场

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  • • 英语流行口语 4.casual meeting 偶遇

    [00:02.99]偶遇 [00:05.98]Look,who's here,...! [00:08.57]......是你呀!(较随便) [00:11.15]A:Look,who's here,Peter! B:Oh,Tom!I thought you were in Paris. [00:15.19]彼得,是你呀!汤姆!我以为你在巴黎呢。 [00:19.23]A:Just got ba...

  • • 英语流行口语 5.Identifying people 辨认人

    [00:03.89]辨认人 [00:07.78]Excuse me,are you...? [00:11.42]对不起,您是......吗?(通用) [00:15.05]A:Excuse me,are you Mr Williams from America? B:Yes,I am. [00:18.38]对不起,您一定是美国来的威廉先生吧?是的。 [00:2...

  • • 英语流行口语 7.Advice and suggestions 意见与建议

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  • • 英语流行口语 8.Agreement and Disagreement 同意与不同

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  • • 英语流行口语 9.Apologies and Replies 道歉及回答

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  • • 英语流行口语 10.Argument and Discussion 争论与讨论

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  • • 英语流行口语 11.Belief and Disbelief 相信与怀疑

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  • • 英语流行口语 12.Boredom厌烦

    [00:02.94]厌烦 [00:05.88]...really browns me off. [00:09.26]真让我讨厌。(较随便) [00:12.64]A:All the routine work really browns me off. [00:15.23]每天千篇一律的工作真让我讨厌。 [00:17.82]B:Oh,come on.You've just started....

  • • 英语流行口语 14.Compliments恭维

    [00:02.94]恭维 [00:05.88]Lucky old you! [00:08.76]你真幸运!(较随便) [00:11.65]A:I've been promoted,John. [00:13.57]约翰,我提职了。 [00:15.49]B:Really!Lucky old you.You really deserve it. [00:18.36]真的!真太运气了!你应...