• • 英语口语最炫潮流 03 减肥新时尚

    01. That's it I have to take off some weight! 真的受够了,我必须要减肥了。 02. I'm supposed to go on a diet. 我要开始节食。 03. I tried losing weight, but nothing works. 我曾试过减肥,但没什么效果。 04. Girls are ne

  • • 英语口语最炫潮流 04 美丽俏佳人

    01. I bought an anti-water mascara yesterday. 我昨天买了个防水睫毛膏。 02. You should know what type of skin you have, normal, oil or dry? 你应当清楚自己属于哪种肤质,中性,油性还是干性的? 03. Your skin is so beaut

  • • 英语口语最炫潮流 06 晒晒你的心情

    01. Are you a blogger? 你写博客吗? 02. He is something on the website. 他是网络名人。 03. I update my blog every day. 我每天更新我的博客。 04. My blog has two thousand readers last month. 上个月,我的博客共有2000 人访问

  • • 英语口语最炫潮流 07 手机——不能没有你

    01. I got a new cell phone last week. 我上周买了个新手机。 02. What's your cell phone number? 你的手机号码是多少? 03. I received two text messages this morning. 我今早收到了两条短信。 04. I've had my cell phone stolen. 我

  • • 英语口语最炫潮流 08 谁都有“美”的权利

    01. I'm not satisfied with my eyes. 我对自己的眼睛不太满意。 02. What can I do about my wrinkles? 我该拿脸上的皱纹如何是好呢? 03. Your nee to take care of your skin. 你应当好好保养自己的皮肤。 04. We do not recom

  • • 英语口语最炫潮流 09 我们的“悦读”

    01. Who is your favorite writer? 谁是你最喜爱的作家? 02. His new book was the best seller of this month. 他的新书是本月的畅销书。 03. Her books are well-written. 她的书写得很好。 04. I like reading science fiction very mu

  • • 英语口语最炫潮流 11 今天你“轰趴”了吗

    1. I'm going to have a party at my house this Sunday. 我周日要在家里办个聚会。 02. The party will start at 9:00 p. m. 聚会将在晚上九点开始。 03. What time should I be at the party? 我应当什么时候到聚会现场呢? 04. Y

  • • 英语口语最炫潮流 14 中国足球还有救吗

    01. We led by one goal at last. 我们最终以一分领先。 02. He is a big fan of football. 他是一个超级球迷。 03. I think their football team sucks. 我觉得他们的足球队踢得超烂。 04. The team won by a score of 4:1 during th

  • • 英语口语最炫潮流 15 动漫迷

    01. I am a big fan of Hayao Miyazaki. 我是宫崎骏的超级粉丝。 02. I think his animated films are the best. 我觉得他拍摄的动画片最棒。 03. I want to buy a DVD collection of all Miyazaki's works. 我想买一套收集了宫崎骏所

  • • 英语口语最炫潮流 16 我爱周杰伦

    01. I like pop music. 我喜欢流行音乐。 02. He can play a lot of musical instruments. 他能演奏很多乐器。 03. Are you good at singing? 你擅长唱歌吗? 04. Who is your favorite singer? 你最喜欢的歌于是谁? 05. He sold more t