• • 英语会话800句 Unit1添加文本

    [00:00.00]Time to get up [00:17.92]该起床啰! [00:35.84]A:Time to get up. [00:36.77]该起床啰! [00:37.69]B:But I still want to Sleep. [00:39.25]可是我还想睡 [00:40.80]It's getting late [00:42.02]太晚了 [00:43.23]A:It's gettin

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit2

    [00:00.00]Nice to meet you [00:02.55]很高兴认识你 [00:05.09]A:Nice to meet you [00:06.27]很高兴认识你 [00:07.44]B:Nice to meet you,too [00:08.32]彼此彼此。 [00:09.20]I'm from Beijing (place) [00:12.63]我从北京(地方)来 [00:

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit4

    [00:00.00]Could you take the garbage out [00:02.21]请你把垃圾拿出去外面好吗? [00:04.41]A:Sweetheart,Could you take the garbage out? [00:06.05]亲爱的,请你把垃圾拿出去外面好吗 [00:07.68]B:Ok,l'll do it right after the

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit5

    [00:00.00]I've won first prize [00:02.74]得了第一名 [00:05.49]A:Mom,I won first prize in the speech contest. [00:07.61]妈,我演讲比赛得了第一名! [00:09.74]B:Really?You're our hero! [00:11.05]真的吗?你是我们的英雄! [

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit6

    [00:00.00]What's your plan for the weekend? [00:02.49]你对周末有何计划? [00:04.99]A:what's your plan for the summer? [00:06.47]你对周末有何计划? [00:07.94]B:Well,l'm going to fly to Bali [00:09.51]我要去巴厘岛 [00:11.08]an

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit7

    [00:00.00]are you new here [00:02.09]你是新搬来的吗? [00:04.18]A:Hi,are you new here? [00:05.89]你好。你是新搬来的吗? [00:07.60]B:Yes.I just moved in yesterday [00:09.42]是的,昨天才搬来的。 [00:11.23]We'll water the pl

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit8

    [00:00.00]would you like to come to my birthday party [00:02.99]要不要来参加我的生日派对 [00:05.98]Timmy would you like to come to my birthday party this Saturday? [00:08.62]要不要来参加我在星期六举行的生日派对? [00:11.2

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit11

    [00:00.00]May I help you [00:02.05]我可以为您服务吗 [00:04.10]May I help you [00:05.12]我可以为您服务吗 [00:06.14]Yes,I would like to have a cheeseburger and a regular size coke,please [00:09.14]要一个芝士堡和一杯中可乐,谢

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit13

    [00:00.00]A:I'd like a bottle of mineral water [00:02.94]我要一瓶矿泉水 [00:05.88]A:I'd like a bottle of mineral water [00:06.65]我要一瓶矿泉水。 [00:07.42]B:But It's expensive. [00:08.05]可是那好贵耶! [00:08.67]I don't l

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit15

    [00:00.00]It is down the street [00:02.65]在街尾那边 [00:05.30]A:We're going to the buffet at the new restaurant [00:07.34]我们要去新开的餐厅吃自助餐 [00:09.38]B:Is it the one down the street? [00:10.70]要去街尾的那家吗 [00:

  • • 英语会话800句 Unit16

    [00:00.00]What is the color of the season? [00:03.34]这一季的流行色是什么 [00:06.69]A:What is the color of the season? [00:07.86]这一季的流行色是什么 [00:09.04]B:It's black [00:09.81]是黑色。 [00:10.58]her boots are so high [0