• • 英语大赢家 下册 162.Scene 1.Topic 2买票和问询 Tickets and Inquiries

    爸爸给了丹尼尔钱让他去买票,并要确定地铁路线和转乘路线,丹尼尔能完成任务吗? Dad: Daniel, here is some money for the tickets. Daniel: OK, it's my pleasure. How many tickets? Dad: Oh, like a gentleman. Two tickets

  • • 英语大赢家 下册 164.Scene 1.Topic 4公共交通和城市发展 Bus Service and Urban Developme

    家庭总动员 Do it together 两人一组,一方朗诵下面的中文句子,另一方说出相对应的英语句子。 1.我希望他能来参加我的生日晚会。 2.我不相信他是个好人。 3.他说他现在想见你。 4.我不

  • • 英语大赢家 下册 166.Scene 2.Topic 2业主派对 Welcome Party

    业主派对的时间到了,雪莉一家将会给我们带来什么样的表演呢?让我们拭目以待吧! Listen Read Learn Sophie: Hey, Shirley. The party has been wonderful. My husband and my children have enjoyed it very much, and me too.

  • • 英语大赢家 下册 168.Scene 2.Topic 4租房 House Renting

    第一次找新住处的经历可能既紧张又困惑。 Listen Read Learn Most of us would like to have a place of our own. When we leave home and set out on our careers, a sense of freedom comes with this. This must be measured against the pressur

  • • 英语大赢家 下册 169.Scene 3.Topic 1购房 Purchasing a House

    本杰明和雪莉今天去看房子,在房子的朝向、价格、周边环境等各方面他们会有什么分歧吗? Listen Read Learn Benjamin: What a fine day! Oh, I can enjoy reading on this balcony in a fine day like this. I like it. Shirl

  • • 英语大赢家 下册 170.Scene 3.Topic 2搬家公司 Moving Company

    终于买房子了,现在要请搬家公司来帮忙搬家。在约定搬家过程中的确需要注意支付运费、损坏与赔偿等问题。 Listen Read Learn Benjamin: I've heard that you provide very good service, so when I need a mover, I c

  • • 英语大赢家 下册 175.Scene 4.Topic 3民间艺术 Folk Arts

    在阿美和丹尼尔逛夜市的同时,我们一起来看看他们的爸爸本杰明到哪里去了吧! Listen Read Learn Assistant: There are many art craft items in this shop. I suggest you take your time, and you might find something you like