• • 必背英文面试口语 02:你认为自己有哪些优点? What are some of your strengths?

    What are some of your strengths? 你认为自己有哪些优点? My biggest strength is tenacity. 我最大的优点是坚韧。 All my past employers and business associates have said I an tenacious. 我之前的雇主和同事都说我具有不屈不

  • • 必背英文面试口语03:你认为自己有哪些缺点? What are some of your weaknesses?

    What are some of your weaknesses? 你认为自己有哪些缺点? I tend to be a perfectionist. 我的缺点是过于追求完美。 While doing the marketing research I just mentioned, 例如刚刚跟您提到的那门课, I went a bit overboard

  • • 必背英文面试口语04:你认为了解你的朋友或老师会怎样评价你?

    How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you? 你认为了解你的朋友或老师会怎样评价你? They would say I'm a self-starter, highly motivated, energetic and goal-oriented, 他们可能会说,我是个做事

  • • 必背英文面试口语06:你是个竞争欲强的人吗? Are you competitive?

    Are you competitive? 你是个竞争欲强的人吗? Yes,I believe competitiveness is a required tarit to excel,especially in sales, 是的,我相信想要脱颖而出,就必须要有竞争欲,尤其是在销售行业, and I thrive on compe

  • • 必背英文面试口语08:你是个勇于创新的人吗? Are you an innovative person?

    Are you an innovative person? 你是个勇于创新的人吗? I believe so. 我认为自己是个勇于创新的人。 Although I have't invented an entirely new product or anything of that scale, 虽然到目前为止,我并没有开发出全新的

  • • 必背英文面试口语09:你是个有主见的人吗? Are you a self-starter?

    Are you a self-starter? 你是个有主见的人吗? Yes,I am. 是的,我是个有主见的人。 Many people wait for the work to be given. 许多人等待别人分配任务。 My current boss is very receptive to new business ideas and creative

  • • 必背英文面试口语11:是什么激励着你工作? What motivates you?

    What motivates you? 是什么激励着你工作? What motivates me is seeing a clear path to advancement at a company in an exciting and growing field. 能够激励我努力工作的是,公司所在领域总是令人兴奋且不断发展着,在这

  • • 必背英文面试口语12:你是个善于团队合作的人么? Are you a team player?

    Are you a team player? 你是个善于团队合作的人么? I'm very much a team player. 我是一个很善于团队合作的人。 I believe strongly in positive reinforcement, for myself as an employee and for those whom I supervise. 我坚信,无

  • • 必背英文面试口语14:你与其他人相处融洽吗? How do you get along with other people?

    How do you get along with other people? 你与其他人相处融洽吗? I always got along well with my co-workers in every job I had. 在过去的每一份工作当中,我与同事们都相处的非常融洽。 Having good working relationships

  • • 必背英文面试口语15:你喜欢与人接触的工作吗? Do you like to work with people?

    Do you like to work with people? 你喜欢与人接触的工作吗? Yes,I love working with people. 是的,我喜欢与人接触。 When I worked in a boutique,I met and dealt with all kinds of people every day. 当我在时装店工作时,每天都