• • 【一起听英语】孟加拉国的蛇

    孟加拉国的蛇为什么会让人毛骨悚然呢? Dima: Hi, welcome to this edition of 6 Minute English with me, Dima Kostenko Kate: and me, Kate Colin. Hi. Dima: And today we're talking about some animals Kate, forgive me for asking a banal que...

  • • 【一起听英语】中式英语

    在街边的广告上我们经常会看到中式英语类的翻译.... Dima: Hi, welcome to this edition of 6 Minute English with me, Dima Kostenko Rebecca: and me, Rebecca Byrne. Hi. Dima: Today we'll be doing something we don't normally do. In fact...

  • • 【一起听英语】独自环海旅行

    现实与梦想的差距有多大,取决于你敢不敢去做吗?荷兰的一位女孩独自一人环海旅行,她实现了自己的梦想,那么你呢 Dima: Hi, welcome to this edition of 6 Minute English with me, Dima Kostenko Kate: and me,...

  • • 【一起听英语】鸿沟

    接触网络的人与不常上网的人也会产生鸿沟.... Kate: Im Kate Colin and welcome to this week's edition of 6 Minute English and today I'm joined today by Dima. Hello there. Well, I'd like to start today's programme by asking you about yo...