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  • 【电影预告片填空】屏住呼吸

    Your _____1_____. That's how you're making your cash out there? What do you say you and I move away from home together? It's a promise. You're leaving? Yeah, as soon as I have money. When are you coming back? Never. Yo, I got our ticket out of here....

  • 【电影预告片填空】X战警:天启

    Things are better. The world is better. Just because we're not at war doesn't mean there's peace. He's coming. Some call him Apocalypse. He was some kind of god. For thousands of years, he has been ______1______ to take their powers. He always had fo...

  • 【电影预告片填空】谍影重重5

    I know who I am. When we are finished with you, you will no long be yourself. I remember. I remember everything. Remembering everything doesn't mean you know everything. Tell me. _________1________, could be worst than Snowden. ______2_________ got a...

  • 【电影预告片填空】豪勇七蛟龙

    Sir, I have a proposition. We're decent people being driven from our homes, _________1__________. So you seek revenge? ______2_________, but I'll take revenge. Took a job, looking for some men to join me. Is it difficult? Impossible. How many you got...

  • 【电影预告片填空】X特遣队

    Gentlemen, ladies. What if Superman had decided to fly down, ______1_______ of the White House, grab the president right out of the Oval Office? Who would have stopped him? I want to build a team of some very bad people who I think can do some good....

  • 【电影预告片填空】爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记

    Where am I? Let me see, excitable, ______1_______. Textbook case of female hysteria. We'll have her fixed in no time. Stop her! Don't let her get away! Hurry! Hey! There's nothing wrong with me. You've been gone too long, Alice. Friends cannot be neg...

  • 【电影预告片填空】冰川时代5:星际碰撞

    From 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios. Hey, look! Shooting stars! Quick! Make a wish! My wish came true! I'm okay! Mine, too. The defining chapter... Meteor shower! Meteor? Shower? in the greatest chillogy... The mother of ______1_________. But...

  • 【电影预告片填空】权力的游戏 第六季

    He's gone. We're the only ones that matter. Everything they've taken from us we're going to take back and more. The great victory _______1_________, all of it was a lie. Everyone of us is poor and powerless, yet we can ______2________. We are in the...

  • 【电影预告片填空】神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘

    The stage is set. ________1_______. We are ready to begin. You promised to keep him safe! You promised! Well, Holmes? Surely you must have some theory? We all have a past, Watson, ghosts. They are the ________2_________. Every great cause has marches...

  • 【电影预告片填空】魔兽

    For years, our world has been at peace. But something is coming. I can feel it. ______1________. Fall back! Find these beasts or whatever they are. Our world is dying, there is nothing to go back to. If our people are to survive, we must make our hom...

  • 【电影预告片填空】西游记之大圣归来

    500 years after the Monkey King ______1________, darkness ______2______ and evil brought the world into chaos. A mysterious seal lifted though mistakenly. An unexpected task ______3____ the ancient warrior god. A journey to the west, the return of th...

  • 【电影预告片填空】史蒂夫·乔布斯

    What do you do? You're not an engineer. You're not a designer. You can't ________1__________. I built the circuit board. The graphical interface was stolen! So how come ten times in a day I read Steve Jobs is a genius? What do you do? Musicians play...

  • 【电影预告片填空】谜一样的双眼

    You know, you could just ask her out. The beauty from Harvard Law, the blue collar Fed from the wrong side of Brooklyn. Don't be a dick. Let's go. LAPD just found an unidentified female body _______1_________. What are we doing here, guys? The body a...

  • 【电影预告片填空】精灵旅社2

    Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder... What? That's not how that one goes. What's wrong with: Suffer, suffer, scream in pain. _______1________. Daddy. Come on, you know how I sang it to you. ________2______ Piercing cries and you succumb Still...

  • 【电影预告片填空】边境杀手

    The State Department is pulling an agent who specializes in responding to ______1_______. This is not my department. FBI! You want to be a part of this? Do we get an opportunity at the men responsible for today? The men who are really responsible for...