• • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第1期:摇篮曲

    Lullaby 摇篮曲 Sleepy winds sigh far and near, 风儿倦了,在四处叹息, Little children tired of playing, 玩耍的孩子们累了。 Now their evening prayers are saying, 临睡前把祷告做起, Then they sleep. 然后进入梦里。

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第3期:睡吧宝贝

    Sleep, Baby, Sleep 睡吧,宝贝,睡吧 Sleep, baby, sleep, 睡吧,宝贝,睡吧 Our cottage vale is deep; 我们的村庄在悠悠的山谷, The little lamb is on the green, 绿草地上毛茸茸的羊羔呀, With woolly fleece so soft a

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第4期:安静我的小宝贝

    Hush, My Little One 安静,我的小宝贝 Hush now, my little one. 现在安静,我的小宝贝。 Hush now, my sunshine. 现在安静,我的阳光。 Hush now, piece of my heart. 现在安静.我的心肝儿。 Go to sleep, my little one. 快点

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第5期:小宝宝别说话

    Hush, Little Baby 别说话,小宝宝 Hush, little baby, don't say a word, 安静,小宝宝,别说话, Papa's going to buy you a mockingbird; 爸爸将给你买只嘲鸫鸟; If that mockingbird won't sing, 如果鸟儿不歌唱, Papa's go

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第8期:谷仓里的男孩

    The Boy in the Barn 谷仓里的男孩 A little boy went into a barn, 小男孩走进谷仓, And lay down on some hay. 躺在干草上。 An owl came out, and flew about, 蹿出一只猫头鹰, And the little boy ran away. 小男孩跑开很沮丧。

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第9期:我的女仆玛丽

    My Maid Mary 我的女仆玛丽 My maid Mary minds the dairy 每天早晨我去田间耕地, While I go hoeing and mowing each morn; 女仆玛丽把奶牛场管理; She gaily runs the little spinning wheel 当我唱着歌收割玉米, While I a

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第10期:我的好妈妈

    My Nice Mama 我的好妈妈 My mama feeds me, 我的妈妈喂我吃饭, And washes my fur. 为我洗刷。 The first thing I see every morning is her. 每天清晨第一眼见到的是她, The last thing I kiss every night is her face. 夜晚吻的

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第11期:有一个罗锅老头

    There Was a Crooked Man 有一个罗锅老头 There was a crooked man, 从前有个罗锅老头, Who walked a crooked mile, 走了一段弯曲的路, He found a crooked sixpence 在破破烂烂的台阶边, Against a crooked stile; 看到皱巴巴

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第12期:我是小帮手

    I Can Help 我是小帮手 I can set the table. 我能整理桌子。 I can sweep the floor. 我能打扫地面。 I can wash my clothes 我能清洗衣物, And count to forty-four. 还能数到四十四。 I can wash dishes 我会洗碗 And clean

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第13期:跳舞吧 小宝贝

    Dance, Little Baby 跳舞吧,小宝贝 Dance, little Baby, dance up high! 跳舞吧,小宝贝,高高地跳! Never mind, Baby, Mother is by. 不要怕,宝贝,身边有妈妈。 Crow and caper, caper and crow, 欢呼又雀跃,雀跃又欢叫,

  • • 幼儿英语童谣朗读 第15期:绿巨人

    Green Giant 绿巨人 There lived a green giant whose name was Sam. 有个绿巨人,名字叫山姆。 His hair was the colour of strawberry jam. 他的头发是草莓果酱的颜色。 He had one brown and one blue eye, 他的眼睛一只棕色,一