• • 英语口语王 想说就说(四)01添加文本

    At work 职场交谈 section 1: Before the job interview 面试前 A:Good morning.Im Mickey Huang,I have an appointment with Mr wilson.早,我是Mickey Huang,我和威尔森先生有约。 B:Is this about the Sales Assistant position?是要应征业务

  • • 英语口语王 想说就说(四)02

    会话急救包 I have an appointment with Mr wilson.我跟威尔森先生有约。 He'll be with you in a minute.他马上就可以见你。 Is this about the Sales Assistant position?是要应征业务助理吗? Mr wilson is on the line right now

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    section 2:the job interview 应征面试 A:You must be Wiky. It's nice to meet you.你一定就是Wiky了,很高兴认识你。 B:Nice to meet you, Mr. Wilson.很高兴认识你,威尔森先生。 A:Tim, please. Please be seated.请叫我Ti

  • • 英语口语王 想说就说(四)04

    会话急救包: You must be Vicky,it's nice to meet you.你一定就是Vicky了,很高兴认识你。 You can call me Tim。请叫我Tim. Please call me Tim. 请叫我Tim Please be seated.请坐。 Ready for change?准备好接受改变了吗?

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    Talking about your job 谈论自己的工作 So Vicky, how long have you held your present position? 所以,Vicky,你目前的工作做多久了? Ive been a secretary for two years, before that I was at university. 我当秘书有两年了,在那

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    会话急救包 1. Before that I was in university. 在那之前我在念大学。 2. How do you like working for IBM? 你觉得在IBM工作怎么样? 3. What's strength do you bring to the job? 在工作上你有哪些长处? 4. I get along well

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    asking for help from colleagues 请同事帮忙 Excuse me, could I ask a favour? 对不起,可以请你帮个忙吗? Sure, go ahead. 当然,说吧。 Could you tell me where the canteen is? 你可以告诉我餐厅在哪儿吗? Sure, I can ta

  • • 英语口语王 想说就说(四)09

    Offering to help colleague 主动帮忙同事 Are you OK there? 你那里还好吗? Oh,my computer crashed again! 啊!我的电脑又当机了! Can I help? 我帮得上忙吗? That would be great! I hate working with computers! 如果你可以帮

  • • 英语口语王 想说就说(四)10

    会话急救包 Are you OK there? 你那里还好吗? Is everything ok? 一切还好吗? Are you all right? 你还好吗? My computer is down. 我的电脑当机了 The fax is not working. 传真机又故障了 This printer is jammed again. 印表机又

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    会话急救包 Do you have a minute? 你现在有空吗? Can you spare me a few seconds? 可以给我几分钟吗? I'm rushing to a meeting. 我正赶着要去开会. I'm in the middle of something. 我正在忙. I'm in such a rush. 我正在赶时间

  • • 英语口语王 想说就说(四)13

    Section 7. Asking about someone's job. 询问对方的工作 Hi, Helen! how is it going? 嗨! Helen, 最近好吗? I'm very busy these days. It seems I can never finish my work. 我最近很忙. 好像总有做不完的工作. Well, take it easy! Don

  • • 英语口语王 想说就说(四)14

    会话急救包 1 I am very busy these days.我最近很忙。 2 I am very busy with the work.我最近工作很忙。 3 I can never finish my work.总有做不完的工作。 4 Don't let it get on top of you.不要让他左右了你的情绪。 5 I