• • 想说就说(三)01添加文本

    日常用语 Daily Life Expressions. Chapter 5 Getting to know people 结识朋友 Section 1 Introductions Informal 非正式场合介绍 You are friend of Janet, right? I am Andrew, Andrew Smith. 你是Janet的朋友,对吧?我是Andrew, Andrew

  • • 想说就说(三)02

    会话急救包 You are friend of Janet, right? 你是Janet的朋友,对吧? Didn't I see you before? 我好像见过你。 You look familiar, have we met? 你很面善,我好像见过你。 Nice self-fit. 衣服真好看。 Can I offer you a d

  • • 想说就说(三)06

    会话急救包 Can I introduce you to my colleague? 我可以介绍你给我同事认识吗? I'd like to introduce you to Mark. 我想介绍马克给你认识。 Have you guys met? 你们见过了吗? Let me introduce my friend ,Mr Jonson. Mr Jon

  • • 想说就说(三)07

    SECTION 4:asking about someone else询问有关别人的事。 hi,Emally,do you know that guy over there?嗨,Emally,你认识那边那个人吗? The tall one?Sure,that's Daive,he works with Lily.那个高个子吗?当然,那是大卫,他是丽丽的同事。 He is cute.What dose h

  • • 想说就说(三)08

    会话急救包 1 Do you know him ?你认识他吗? 2 The tall one?那个高个子吗? 3 The one in black?那个穿黑衣服的吗? 4 The one with long hair ?那个长头发的吗? 5 He's cute.他好可爱. 6 He works with Lean.他是Lean的同事. 7 What does he do ?他是做什么的?

  • • 想说就说(三)09

    Helen, did you hear Im having a party? Next Saturday in my place. 海伦,你有听说我要办个舞会吗?下星期六在我家。 I may have something on that day, but thanks for inviting me.那天我可能有别的事,但是还是谢谢你邀请我。 Well, drop by if you can. 这样的

  • • 想说就说(三)10

    会话急救包:I'm having a party.我要办个舞会。 Will you come to the party?你来参加我的舞会好吗? I invited them to the party.我邀请他们来参加我的舞会。 I'm not invited.我没有被邀请。 I have something on.我有事。 I'm afraid I can't make it.我恐怕不行

  • • 想说就说(三)13

    Ask for nationality 询问国籍: A:So,Is this your first time to TAIWAN?那么,这是你第一次来台湾吗? B:No,I first came here1995。我第一次来是在1995年 A:Oh,really?And you are from United State, right?真的吗?你是美国人,对吧? B:Well,I am from Canada.A

  • • 想说就说(三)14

    会话急救包: 1.First time in Taiwan? 第一次来台湾吗? 2.First visit here? 第一次来此地? 3.I first came here in 1995. 我第一次来是在1995年。 4.You're from the States,right? 你是美国人,对吧? 5.I'm from Canada. 我是加拿大人。 6.Where are you from?