• • 想说就说(二)01添加文本

    01 stating Opinions表达看法 giving opinions. 提供意见 What do you think about violence in movies?你对电影的暴力情节有什么看法? movie theater 电影院 Personally, I'm not for it. I feel it's bad for kids to watch.我个人并不

  • • 想说就说(二)02

    会话急救包: What do you think about her?你对她有什么看法? How do you feel about it?你的感觉如何? Personally,I'm not for it.我个人并不特别喜欢。 To be honest,I don't like it.老实说,我不喜欢。 I'm not in favo

  • • 想说就说(二)04

    会话急救包: I'm expecting the pay rise this month.我认为这个月会加薪。 Your guess is as good as mine.我猜的又不会比你准。 You tell me.你告诉我。 I've no idea.我不知道。 Beats me.我被打败了。 You'd better be....最好是这样。 You'd better be early.你

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    agree (表示同意) 1.So, are we all behind this new project? 这么说大家都支持这个新案子了? I'm in favor of Maggie. 我同意麦琪。 Ditto, it doesn't look too expensive either.我也是,看起来这个案子也不会花太多钱。

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    会话急救包 Are we all behind this?大家都支持吗? We all for it.我们都支持。 I'm in favor.同意。 Count me in.我同意。 Ditto.我也是。 It looks good.看起来很好。 You look sad.你看起来很悲伤。 Give it a try!就放手

  • • 想说就说(二)08

    会话急救包: I don't feel like eating.我不想吃东西。 It's been a long day.我今天忙了一整天。 I could use a drink.我想去喝一杯. Great idea.好主意。 Why not?有何不可? That's fine with me.我可以。 Excellent.好极了

  • • 想说就说(二)10

    会话急救包: I'm afraid we can't.恐怕我们不能。 I get rised last month.我上个月加薪。 I'm not sure i can't agree.我恐怕不能同意。 I'm not sure about that.我不确定那样是不是好。 There must be some other ways.一定有其他的方法吧。 Surely you remenber h

  • • 想说就说(二)11

    Disagree2 表示不同意2 Hi Joe. You met my new assistant, right?嗨,Joe.你见过我的新助理了吧? Emm...yes. But I wasn't too impressed.嗯没错。但是我觉得她不怎么样。 I found her a little stuck up.我觉得她太自以为是

  • • 想说就说(二)12

    会话急救包 Are you sure? 你确定吗? Really? 真的吗? Are you serious? 你是认真的吗? Is that right? 真的吗? Do you really think so? 你真的这么觉得吗? He is quite yong, isnt he? 他还很年轻,不是吗? Its a

  • • 想说就说(二)14

    会话急救包: I'm not sure about that.我想不大可行吧。 I wouldn't say that.我不赞成。 I 'm not sure that the case.我不确定是否是那样。 Why not?为什么不? It may not be that simple.问题可能没那么简单。 I don't often use them.我很少使用。 I Wouldn't re

  • • 想说就说(二)15

    section 8:stating intentions or plans.阐述,谈论计划 What are you doing over the weekend ,?你周末要做什么? I'm planing to go balling tonight.Tomorrow I was hoping to see a movie.What about you ?今天晚上,我打算去打保龄球。明天我希望可以去看电影,你