• • 外贸英语一点通第1期:客户会议(1)

    能言善辩 ▲Is this what we decided?这是我们说定的吗? ▼I think so. Because we have talked about this last week.是的,我们上周已谈过这个问题。 ▼Not yet, we just start to discuss this issue.还没有,我们才开始谈这

  • • 外贸英语一点通第5期:外贸谈判

    能言善辩 ▲ What about the price? 对价钱有何看法? ▼ The price you provided is much higher than market price. 你们提供的价格远远高于市场价格。 ▼ The price is quite fair. We'll think it over. 价格还算公道,我们会

  • • 外贸英语一点通第6期:合同签订(1)

    能言善辩 ▲ Im glad that we have finally come to an agreement. 很高兴我们终于达成了协议。 ▼ The same to me. 我也很高兴。 ▼ Congratulations on our success. 祝贺我们的成功。 ▼ Good luck for our cooperation. 祝我们

  • • 外贸英语一点通第11期:价格谈判(1)

    能言善辩 △What do you think about the price?这个价格你觉得怎么样? ▽It seems acceptable. 这个价格我可以接受。 ▽I cant acceptable. 我无法接受。 ▽Its too high. 这个价格太贵了。 ▽Im afraid I cant agree