• • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇06

    50. I must have been… 我肯定是…… The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. I must have been asleep. (电话响了,但是我没听到。我肯定是睡着了。) I must have been crazy to

  • • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇07

    75. It’s not worth… 不值得…… The film isn’t very good. It’s not worth seeing. (这场电影不怎么好,不值得看。) 76. It’s the first time… 这是第一次…… It’s

  • • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇08

    84. Say hello to…for me. 替我向……问好。 Say hello to your parents for me. (替我向你父母问好。) 85. so that… 以便…… She’s learning English so that she can study in Am

  • • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇09

    第二部,第二节. 一百个超级短句 反复操练、滚瓜烂熟、据为己有、随时卖弄! 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇09 【疯狂短评】 人们在日常生活中不离口的都是小词

  • • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇10

    25. I wish it were true.(我希望这是真的。) 26. I’d be the last to know. = How would I know I really don’t know. I have no idea. I’m the wrong person to ask.(我怎么知道? 我真

  • • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇12

    75. That’s it!(就是这样!) 【疯狂注释】 通常用于表示对方动作正确,以示鼓励之意。在教授驾驶汽车方法、打高尔夫球的姿势、跳舞、游泳、英语的发

  • • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇13

    【经典句子操练】 25 Excellent Sentence to Practice[a] 1.She got a better job in a popular fashion shop . ( 她在一家受欢迎的时装店获得一份更好的工作。 ) 2.I , ll ask the boss if I can have a day off . (我想问老板能不

  • • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇14

    四星级的形容词:extreme 【疯狂例句】 1. We faced extreme danger when we traveled to the mountains of India. (当我们经过印第安山脉时,我们面临极大的危险。) 2. Th

  • • 脱口而出Mp3疯狂准备篇15

    五星级的动词:Suppose 【疯狂例句】 1. Let’s suppose it’s true. (我们假定那是真的。) 2. What makes you suppose I’m against it (你根据什么认为我反对这件事?