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娱乐新天地Trailer 2006

《娱乐新天地Trailer 2006》是很多经典英文电影的集合,例如:达.芬奇密码(The Da Vinci Code)、X战警3: 最后一击 (X-Men3: The Last Stand)、汽车总动员(Cars)。。。。。。



  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-达.芬奇密码 / The Da Vinci Code The Da Vinci Code (Movie) The murder of the Louvre's chief curator puts his granddaughter, cryptographer Sophie Neveu (Audrey Tautou), and symbols expert Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) on the trail of an ancient, mysterious society founded during the ti
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-X战警3: 最后一击 / X-Men3: The Last Stand X-Men: The Last Stand (Movie) When a cure for mutants is discovered, Magneto's increasingly powerful Brotherhood declares war on the government, prompting Professor Charles Xavier's X-Men to regroup and do battle with Magneto once again. Joining th
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-汽车总动员 / Cars Cars (Movie) In 'Cars,' a Walt Disney presentation of a Pixar film, hot-shot race car Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) is leading a dream life -- or so he thinks -- when he goes astray on Route 66. Stumbling upon a sleepy town unconcerned with fame a
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006- 触不到的恋人 / The Lake House The Lake House Before you read... 一段爱情穿越两个时空 , 咫尺天涯 , 亦真亦幻 ; 一封情书牵动两位主角 , 心有灵犀 , 情深缘浅 ...... 信箱为媒 , 鱼雁传书 , 爱过痛过的你岂能忘却心中那个永远触不到的恋人 ...... (Movie) An independent-minded doctor who once
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-海神号 / Poseidon Poseidon (Movie) Set adrift in the vast waters of the North Atlantic for a luxury New Year's Eve party staged in the ship's magnificent ballroom, the massive ocean-liner Poseidon receives an unexpected jolt when a rogue, 100-foot wave rolls it compl
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-超人归来 / Superman Returns Superman Returns (Movie) Somewhat following the events of Superman II, Superman soars to the outer reaches of space to find out if he is truly the Last Son of Krypton. After finding nothing but remnants, he flies back to Earth after having been gone
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-加勒比海盗2--亡灵宝藏 / Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest (Movie) Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Stellan Sarsgard and director Gore Verbinski all return in this sequel to the 2003 hit film. This time, Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp) learns that he is doomed to suff
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-世贸中心 / World Trade Center World Trade Center (Movie) In the aftermath of the World Trade Center disaster, hope is still alive. Refusing to bow down to terrorism, rescuers and family of the victims press forward. Their mission of rescue and recovery is driven by the faith tha
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-碟中谍 3 / Mission: Impossible III Mission: Impossible III (Movie) Recently retired, Agent Ethan Hunt lives a slower-paced life training new IMF agents. With this change, new opportunities enter his life, including a possible marriage to his girlfriend Julia. However, when a new conf
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-别惹蚂蚁 / Ant Bully Ant Bully (Movie) A 10-year-old boy embarks on a remarkable journey. New in town, friendless and tormented by a neighborhood bully, young Lucas Nickle has been taking out his frustration on the innocent ant hill in his yard. But one day the ants ret
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-迈阿密风云 / Miami Vice Miami Vice (Movie) Ricardo Tubbs (Jamie Foxx) is urbane and dead smart. He lives with Bronx-born Intel analyst Trudy (Naomie Harris), as they work undercover transporting drug loads into South Florida to identify a group responsible for three murder
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-舞出我人生 / Step Up Step Up (Movie) Everyone deserves a chance to follow their dreams, but some people only get one shot. Tyler Gage (Channing Tatum) is a rebel from the wrong side of Baltimore's tracks and the only thing that stands between him and an unfulfilled life
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-疯狂农场 / Barnyard Barnyard (Movie) Down on the farm, the farmer thinks he's in charge, keeping all the animals safe and sound. But when the farmer is out of sight, the lookout sheep shouts Clear! and all of the barnyard animals spring up on two legs, walk, talk, watc
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-空战英豪 / Flyboys Flyboys (Movie) In 1914, The Great War --WWI--began in Europe. By 1917, the Allied powers of France, England, Italy and others were on the ropes against the German juggernaut. Some altruistic young Americans disagreed with the war. They volunteered
  • 娱乐新天地Trailer 2006-恋爱假期 / The Holiday The Holiday (Movie) Two women troubled with guy-problems (Diaz, Winslet) swap homes in each other's countries, where they each meet a local guy and fall in love. 片 名: The Holiday 译 名:恋爱假期 导 演:南希麦尔斯 Nancy Meyers 主 演 卡梅伦迪亚兹 C