• • 【突破英文对话】Don’t Beat around the Bush不要拐弯抹角

    One friend is telling another bad news. 一个人在向他的朋友讲述坏消息。 A: Ive been waiting for an hour! Where have you been? B: I got stuck in traffic on the way back from Joes office. A: Okay. Tell me exactly what Joe said. Dont beat...

  • • 【突破英文对话】I Forgot All about It 我把它忘到了九霄云外

    One friend is telling the other about his busy schedule. 一个人在告诉他的朋友他有多忙。 A: Hi, Kim. Hows it going? Ive got a problem. B: Whats bothering you Stone? You look stressed. A: I always bite off more than I can chew. I agreed...

  • • 【突破英文对话】人越多越开心

    This is a conversation between a husband and wife. 这是一组夫妻之间的对话。 A: Hi, Bill. When did you get back? 嗨,比尔。你什么时候回来的? B: About an hour ago. Whats new? Did anyone call for me while I was out? 回来有一...

  • • 【突破英文对话】I Get Cold Feet 畏缩不前

    One friend is encouraging another to see a dentist. 一个人在鼓励他的朋友去看牙医。 A : Hi, Mike. Whats new? B: Whats wrong with you? Your face is swollen. You look terrible! A : My jaw aches. I dont know why. B: Let me take a look. No...

  • • 【突破英文对话】Jenny Is Always Late 珍尼总是迟到

    A girl is complaining about her friend always being late. 一个女孩在抱怨她的朋友总是迟到。 A: Hi, Ken. B: Hi, Lily. What are you so upset about? A: Im furious with Jenny! Shes always late. B: Always? Why dont you talk it over with her...

  • • 【突破英文对话】It Doesn’t Make Sense 没道理

    A: Linda, its so great to see you again! 琳达,再次见到你真是太高兴了! B: Well, thanks for inviting me to lunch. I never seem to leave my house these days! 谢谢你邀我吃午饭。我这些天几乎没有出过门! A: Come in, pl...

  • • 【突破英文对话】She Blew a Fuse 她大发雷霆

    A: Hi, do you have a minute to talk? 嗨,你有空和我谈谈吗? B: Sure. Whats going on? You dont look too happy. 当然了。怎么啦?你看上去不太高兴。 A: Im not. Im afraid I blew it with Cindy. 我确实不高兴。我和辛迪恐...