• • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 01

    [01:06.21]Of course you can kiss me. 你当然可以吻我. [01:28.17]Of course you can kiss me. 你当然可以吻我. [01:30.33]Of course you can kiss me. 你当然可以吻我. [01:31.33]You can kiss me. 你可以吻我. [02:38.17]- Identification

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 02

    [00:02.53]- But I was a little intimidated. - Because of my father? - 但我有点害怕 - 因为我爸爸的缘故? [00:06.41]No, because youre easy. Im just going off what you said. 不, 因为你很平易近人. 我又像你一样不知在说什么了

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 03

    [00:02.65]Excuse me. 对不起.失陪了 [00:05.69]So third base is what again? 你们说第三步是什么? [00:09.73]- I always thought it was below the waist. - I dont remember, sir. - 我一直认为算是腰部以下. - 我不记得了. [00:14.7

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 04

    [00:02.81]- Gabrielle? - Im sorry I am late... - ? - 对不起我来迟了... [00:05.13]...but the guards outside took turns to search me. ... 可外面的保安不知道为何轮流搜我身 [00:08.65]- Gabrielle, youre all grown up.

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 05

    [00:03.93]No! No way! 不!不可以! [00:08.65]No way! He said just two of you. 不可以这样! 他说了只是两个而已. [00:08.97]- No, thats just security... - Dont worry about it. Theyre local guys. - 不, 那只是安全人员-- - 别担心.

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 06

    [00:03.09]Ben, I know you probably think Im this really rude... 本, 我知道你大概认为我非常无礼.... [00:11.45]Thank you. 谢谢. [00:15.97]Hold on. 扶稳了. [00:30.53]- So you a big drinker? - I drink. - 你很喝得啊? - 我喝啊. [

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 07

    [00:02.89]Its all you, baby. 这就交给你啦. [00:04.57]- I dont think we should be doing this. - I want Anna to be happy. - 我认为我们不该这样做. - 我只是想安娜开心而已. [00:10.09]You think the only way is to give her freedom.

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 09

    [00:02.81]I shouldnt be making promises I dont intend to keep. 我不该许下我不打算遵守的诺言 [00:05.65]Maybe I can learn to lighten up a bit. 也许我该学会放松一下. [00:06.17]Sir. [00:07.69]Dad, thank you very much for not being

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 10

    [00:21.37]Not on this train. Great. 不在这辆火车上. [00:22.89]This is a Mickey Mouse assignment. I resent it. Do you? 猫抓老鼠的游戏.我讨厌死了.你呢? [00:27.37]- No. - I do. - 不. - 我很讨厌. [00:28.21]- I just do what Im to

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 11

    [00:02.25]This could be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. 这里恐怕是我生平见过的最美的城市. [00:06.61]Be with you in two shakes. Im gonna make a call. 你们俩别跑远. 我要打个电话. [00:11.77]No worries. Ill

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 12

    [00:02.89]Please. Come on, can you just admit for once that youve had a little bit of fun? 求你. 你就不能快乐一点? [00:08.57]Maybe a little bit of fun. 可能有些些快乐. [00:13.93]- Very attractive. - Very funny. -很迷人. -很有趣

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 14

    [00:22.13]Thank you, Ben. 谢谢, 本. [00:25.17]I couldnt have done any of this without you. 没有你我可办不到. [00:25.33]What for? 为何? [00:31.33]Seems to me youd have been just fine on your own. 就我看来,你本人已经做的非常不

  • • 听电影学英语-总统千金欧游记 15

    [00:04.06]- We kissed... - I understand that. -我们接过吻-- -我知道. [00:04.42]And I liked it. I like you. Will you stop walking away from me? 我喜欢那样. 我喜欢你. 请你不要避开我? [00:09.26]- Anna! - You dont need to protect