• • 听电影学英语-足球老爹 01

    [00:46.68]Thinking I was in control of my own destiny. 想着我要自己掌握自己的命运 [00:50.84]And then I met my father. 然后我爸爸来了 [00:57.36](Phil) In college, I wasnt the most gifted athlete. 在大学的时候,我不是一个最

  • • 听电影学英语-足球老爹 02

    [00:01.64](all cheering) 巴奇! 好样的,巴奇 [00:02.92]Bucky! Okay, Bucky. [00:04.80](Buck) Yes! Yes! Yes! 好!好!好! [00:36.52]Hey, Buck. 嗨, 巴克 [00:42.40]Get away from that. Dont--Dont get any ideas. Dont even touch it. 别碰它

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    [00:02.40](sighs) and have some fun. 他会有很开心的 [00:06.52]So, Ill tell him, okay? 所以,我会告诉他的,好吗? [00:11.96]I need to tell him. 我去告诉他 [00:16.04]Benchwarmer? [00:23.08](knocking on door) [00:25.48]Sammy? Ye

  • • 听电影学英语-足球老爹 04

    [00:26.36]You guys? No, Im cool. 你们呢? 不,我有点冷 [00:41.40]∮ Bring me my bright red fluro jacket ∮∮ 给我我的大红夹克 [00:44.56](Tigers screaming) [01:02.08](sighs) [01:06.12]Powerful kicking. Powerful kicking. 踢的不错

  • • 听电影学英语-足球老爹 05

    [00:02.52]Id have an extra $5? 这样我会多出5美金来 [00:30.08]Im Byong Sun. 我是孙伯洋 [00:36.24]Oh, thats sweet. Thats very sweet. 哦,很好 很亲切 [00:39.00]Anything that relates to soccer? 谈点跟足球有关系的好吗? [0

  • • 听电影学英语-足球老爹 07

    [00:03.24]Actually, uh, truth be told, no one knows where he is right now. [00:06.28]A lot of people are concerned. 大家都很关心他的下落 [00:16.44]God, Im going to be honest, I--I didnt plan on speaking tonight. 天哪!老实说吧 我我今

  • • 听电影学英语-足球老爹 08

    [00:10.68]try not to cry in front of him. 不要在他面前哭 [00:15.84]Hey, hey, get a grip on yourself, okay? Man up. 嘿,嘿,控制一下自己好吗? 像个男人好吗? [00:28.08]Everybody drinks it. 人人都喝咖啡 [00:29.76]Even l

  • • 听电影学英语-足球老爹 10

    [00:02.64]∮∮(Saturday Morning by Eels playing) [00:10.56]Head. 头 [00:19.72]OK. Foot on ball, and pull. Go. 好的 脚放在球上,然后向后拨球,试试 [00:21.60]OK. 好的 [00:29.20]Okay? 懂了吗? [00:30.88]Tap and pull? 轻点一下

  • • 听电影学英语-足球老爹 12

    [00:01.52]What? 干嘛? [00:02.89]Can I have the ball? 能把球给我吗? [00:04.26]For what? I caught it. Why? 为啥? 我拿到的,干嘛给你? [00:06.63]You get the next one. 你等着拿下一个吧 [00:07.45]If I beat you in the fina

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    [00:02.15]We won. 我们赢了 [00:04.15](all cheering) [00:06.04]Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate? 2,4,6,8 我们今天赢了谁? [00:09.67]Vultures. Vultures. 秃鹫队,秃鹫队 [00:10.97]Good job, guys. 干得好,伙计们

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    [00:02.63]Coffee will make you feel better. 咖啡会让你感觉好点 [00:18.45]∮ The eye of the tiger ∮∮ [00:21.34](Phil) Barbara, are you there? Pick up. Its me. 芭芭拉,你在吗? 是我 [00:23.63]Wheres Sammy? I thought you guys wer