• • 听电影学英语-食品公司 01

    [00:44.98]Michael Pollan: The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years 我们吃的东西在过去50年里发生的改变 [00:48.02]than in the previous 10,000. 比过去1万年还要多 [00:52.54]But the image thats used to sell the food, 但是

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    [00:04.06](sniffs) Smells like money to me. 我闻起来是钱的香味 [00:05.74]Vince Edwards 泰森公司(TYSON)签约养植者 [00:13.42]16 chicken houses sit here. 这里有16座鸡舍 [00:16.26]And Chucks son has four over the top of this h

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    [00:03.10]and theyre just not gonna complain. 所以他们也没什么好抱怨的 [00:04.10]The companies like these kind of workers. 公司喜欢这种工人 [00:09.10]It doesnt matter if the chickens get sick. 鸡生病了也不要紧 [00:13.46]Al

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    [00:01.86]We started to see blood in Kevins diarrhea, 然后凯文开始腹泻,便中带血 [00:07.18]so we took him to the emergency room. 于是我们把他送到急诊室 [00:08.54]And they said, Weve gotten 医生们说 [00:12.06]the culture back

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    [00:02.38]Yeah. 对 [00:07.74]Six are elementary school students, one is a sibling, 7个感染者都是小学生,其中有2个是兄弟 [00:12.10]and theres another one in another county 另一个镇上还有1个 [00:13.42]in Kentucky, so... 在肯塔基

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    [00:08.62]Look at the broccoli. 看看这些花椰菜 [00:12.46]Its too expensive, man. 太贵了,天啊 [00:16.46]- What do you want to eat then? - Mama. -那你想吃什么呢? -这个吧,妈妈 [00:18.50]First check to see how many are there for a

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    [00:01.96]Everything is grass based. 这里每件事都离不开草 [00:04.32]You know, they dont eat corn, dead cows 你知道,这些牛不吃玉米 [00:11.68]or dead chickens. 还有死鸡制成的饲料 [00:12.00]They actually eat grass, forage-- 它

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    [00:02.60]世界上最大的屠宰场 [00:08.36](snorting) [00:15.04]is a small town called Tar Heel 一个叫塔希尔的小镇 [00:15.36]The town where the plant is located 这个厂房位于 [00:18.08]in the middle of a very economically-depressed

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    [00:01.72]and say were only going to buy food 继续为了生活的便利 [00:02.72]from the most-perfect system 而从这个所谓完美的系统中获取食物 [00:07.08]within 100 miles of us, were never gonna get there. 我们就永远无法达成我

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    [00:06.44]momentous and radical but invisible to most of us, 是翻天覆地的,但却不为我们所知 [00:09.96]cause who knows a farmer anymore? 现在有谁还认识农民? [00:11.64]But their way of life 但是人们的生活方式 [00:15.64]ha

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    [00:04.28]Have they all been put out of business? 它们现在都关掉了吗? [00:05.64]Theres nobody left. 没有人做这个了 [00:14.68]Runyon: When Monsanto soybeans first came on the market, 当孟山都的大豆最初推出市场 [00:19.68]I