• • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 03

    [00:03.56]- I'll get Doctor Bannochhoven. - It's no use. 我去找班诺医生 没用的 [00:07.92]I'll be dead before he gets here. 他来之前,我已经死掉了 [00:19.00]- She's asleep. - She was in hysterics 3 minutes ago. 她睡着了 刚才她

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 04

    [01:53.40]- Bet five hundred. - Five hundred. How many? 赌五百 我跟,多少张牌? [01:56.40]One. 一张 [02:02.56]- I'll take one. - Three. 我要一张 三张 [02:05.44]Four. 四张 [02:11.68]Two for Papa. 庄家要两张 [02:15.36]- 500 mo

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 05

    [00:12.72]Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more, but... 这个我绝对同意,但是 [00:27.12]Get yourself some coffee, you'll be all right. 你快喝点咖啡提神吧 [00:53.00]Look, you take the cab. 你搭这部的士 [01:01.40]Come on, climb i

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 06

    [00:20.68]I ought to have my head examined. 我该去验脑 [00:24.52]Is this the elevator? 这是升降机吗? [00:28.44]It's my room! 这是我的房间 [00:32.60]I'm terribly sorry to mention it, but the dizziness is getting worse. 别见怪,但

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 07

    [00:05.56]- So happy. - The pleasure's mine. 真开心 是我的荣幸 [00:15.28]Screwball! 臭丫头! [00:26. [00:30.40](指安公主突然抱恙) [01:02.00]Holy smoke, the princess's interview! 糟了!公主

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 08

    [00:02.56]Here it is, Mr Bradley, all over the front page of every paper in Rome. 你看!罗马每份报纸的头条 [00:07.36]All right, I overslept. It can happen to anybody. 我睡过头,人谁无过? [00:10.92]If you ever got up and read a

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 10

    [00:04.08]He was? 是吗? [00:12.12]It was wonderful. 感觉真好 [00:47.64]Good morning. 早安 [00:52.88]- Where's Dr Bannochhoven? - I'm afraid I don't know him. 班诺医生呢? 我不认识他 [00:56.52]- Wasn't I talking to him just now? -

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 11

    [00:01.52]Irving! Why don't you answer? 艾荣!为何迟迟不接电话? [00:03.68]It's Joe. Can you get here in five minutes? 是阿祖,可否马上赶来? [00:05.44]No, I can't come now, Joe, I'm busy. 不行,现在我正忙着 [00:10.16]

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 12

    [00:04.60]Oh no, no. 不行 [00:08.63]Off! 剪短! [00:29.45]That's a nice camera you have there. Nice... 你这个照相机挺不错 [00:34.93]You don't mind if I borrow it? 可否借我一用? [00:38.46]- Miss Webber. - Just for two minutes. 韦老

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 13

    [00:03.04]Why? 为什么? [00:06.04]- Trouble with the teacher? - No, nothing like that. 对老师有不满? 不是 [00:08.08]You wouldn't run away for nothing. 但你不会无故偷走出来 [00:12.08]It was only meant to be for a few hours. 我只

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 14

    [00:03.44]I'm sorry about that. Sit down, that's a good fellow. 不好意思,坐下来,好朋友 [00:08.64]That's the boy. 这就对了 [00:11.52]You're... You're twisting my arm, you know. 你一直在戏弄我 [00:15.00]Just be a little more ca

  • • 听电影学英语-罗马假日 15

    [01:24.32]Hey, stop, come back. 别走,快回来 [02:56.04](美国新报) [03:21.00]I'm going straight from now on. 从今天起我会循规蹈矩 [03:22.68]I'm going straight from now on. [03:26.16]News Service? What did he mean? 记者?他是