• • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 1

    [00:42.30]How do you want me? 你要我怎样? [00:44.46]Oh, that's good. Yeah. Just, uh-- 太好了,太舒服了 [00:47.74]Just get comfortable. 我有点紧张 [00:51.46]I'm a little nervous. 你做得很好 [00:55.14]Nah, you're doing great. 再

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 2

    [00:15.90](毕业舞会,你期待吗?) [00:19.82]-Do you have the fever? -No. -你兴奋吗? -不 [00:25.22]Why? Do you? 为什么?你呢? [00:25.98]I don't know. Maybe. 我不知道,也许吧 [00:31.06]How about you? 你呢? [00:33.26]

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 3

    [00:27.86]Oh, you're home early. 你回来得很早嘛 [00:31.18]Yeah, I postponed yearbook. I gotta work on my speech. Hi, Mr.Peterson. -我把年刊的事推后了,我要为我的演讲作准备 -彼得森先生,你好 [00:33.54]-Mr.Preside

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 4

    [00:01.30]-Um Well, anyway, Danielle just came in from Los Angeles 总之丹妮尔刚从洛杉矶来 [00:06.38]and she's house-sitting while her aunt's away. 她姨妈不在她来帮忙看房子 [00:09.70]Why don't you show her around? 你可以带她去

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 6

    [00:08.58]Oh, my God. 天啊! [00:12.18]-Uh-oh -That's-- 天啊! [00:16.14]-That's Mr.Salinger -Who? -那是沙林杰先生 -谁? [00:18.14]That's--That's my principal. Seriously. Let's go. 我的校长,真的,快点闪吧 [00:18.82]-It's n

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 8

    [00:01.66]Second, get her drunk-- 其次呢,把她灌醉 [00:02.82]really drunk, okay? 真正醉了,好吗? [00:05.50]That way the true porn star will come out in her. 那样真正的A片女星模样就会显现出来 [00:13.38]Here. I, um--I g

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 10

    [00:01.66]It's for, uh, moral fiber. 是给道德品行优良的 [00:09.30](未成年就当老爸?) [00:11.26]So, who is this guy? He's, like, a porn producer? 这家伙是谁?A片制作人吗? [00:14.14]Klitz, shut up. Now, the strippers. 克立

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 11

    [00:13.78]Dude, it's not your fault. 哥儿们,这不是你的错 [00:18.86]No, it is my fault. 不,是我的错 [00:21.26]If I hadn't been such a dick and taken her to that motel room-- 要不是我那么混蛋,带她去汽车旅馆房间 [00:

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 12

    [00:00.70]What's up? 怎么了? [00:03.37]-It's not cute anymore -What? -再也不有趣了 -啥? [00:05.47]Stop filling her head with that--Do not piss me off. 不要再向她灌输 别再让我生气 [00:08.92]Hey, I thought we were friends. 嘿,

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 13

    [00:04.56]It's all you now. I mean, now you can do whatever you want. 你现在可以做任何你想做的事 [00:10.00]I don't know. Maybe I'm stupid. 不知道,也许我很蠢 [00:10.84]Why do you believe in me so much? 你为什么这么相信我?

  • • 听电影学英语-邻家女孩 14

    [00:07.16]I'm sorry I got upset. 我很抱歉,我很烦 [00:09.72]I just--I felt taken advantage of. 我觉得被欺骗了 [00:12.92]Look, I'm not gonna be a dick. I know she loves you. 我不想做个混球,我知道她爱你 [00:16.80]I'm gonna