• • 听电影学英语-快餐帝国2

    [00:05.80]?Coco? [00:08.32](Vehicle Horn Honking In Distance) [00:08.80]?Coco? 她在那边 现在先闭嘴 [00:10.48](Whispering) [00:17.00]罗贝托! [00:19.40]罗贝托! [00:42.20]动作快! [00:43.80]上车 上车! [00:44.20]罗贝托在哪儿? [

  • • 听电影学英语-快餐帝国3

    [00:02.32]- Really? - Yeah. Its true. -真的吗? -真的 [00:04.80]Just here in town for a couple of days seein where the Big Ones come from. 我只是在这儿出差 调研大块头的原料地 [00:09.32]- Here? - Oh, no, not here. -这里? -噢 不是

  • • 听电影学英语-快餐帝国4

    [00:05.20]Yo. You heard about the robbery last night? 哟 你们听说昨晚的劫案了吗? [00:07.48]- No. Where? - At the McDonalds over on Cayenne. -还没 哪儿? -麦当劳在卡宴的分店 (麦当劳是美国连锁快餐业老大) [00:11.28]T

  • • 听电影学英语-快餐帝国5

    [00:06.20]Come on up and meet my new neighbors. 快上来 看看我的新邻居们 [00:08.12]Aw. No. 呃 不会吧 [00:12.48]Aw, geez. 啊 天哪 [00:16.16]- When did all this happen? - Last couple of years. -是什么时候开始这样的? -前几年

  • • 听电影学英语-快餐帝国6

    [00:01.12]Harry, the meat is filthy. 哈里 那牛肉非常恶心 [00:01.84]And the meat- I gotta tell you somethin. 而且那牛肉 我必须得跟你说 [00:04.04]Do you know they got untrained people workin at the gut table? 你知道他们让一些

  • • 听电影学英语-快餐帝国8

    [00:01.68]Listen to yourself. 而是应该听你自己的意愿 [00:04.04]I mean, if you wanna be like everybody else... 如果说 你想一生平平如众生 [00:06.56]just do what everybodys telling you to do. 那就按众生说的去做 [00:08.60]

  • • 听电影学英语-快餐帝国9

    [00:01.48]saying their approximate age and ethnicity. 保存下他们的估算年龄 以及种族肤色 [00:03.92]- (Chuckles) - They dont even know. 而他们对此则一无所知 [00:06.32]You know, that is fuckin evil. 这他妈的太邪恶了 [00

  • • 听电影学英语-快餐帝国10

    [00:04.80]Its like prison camps for cows. [00:08.04]You wouldnt believe it. You can smell it, like, three miles away. 简直难以置信 你们在3英里外就能闻到那冲天的臭气 [00:10.84]So Professor Coh

  • • 听电影学英语-快餐帝国11

    [00:02.80]好吧 [00:05.40]我走咯 [00:09.80]爱你 [00:25.24](Grunts, Exhales) [00:50.04](Sighs) [00:56.08](Toilet Flushes) [01:08.60]- (Door Opens) - (Cart Rattling) [01:28.20]谢谢 [01:36.80]这边走 [01:42.80]Last night, hombre. 伙计 昨晚