• • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 01

    [00:44.12]ANNA: When l was a kid, my mother told me... 当我还是个小孩子时,我妈妈告诉我 [00:47.20]...that l was a little piece of blue sky... 我是苍天的一小块 [00:49.48]...that came into this world because she and dad loved me

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 02

    [00:09.48]8RIAN: Having a child who is sick is a full-time occupation. 照料生病的孩子是个全职工作 [00:15.48]Sure, we still enioy the usual day-to-day happinesses of family life. 我们依然在享受家庭生活的日常乐趣 [00:21.64]

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 03

    [00:03.04]Could just be a lab error. 也有可能仅仅是实验事故 [00:08.60]SARA: Oncology? 肿瘤科? [00:09.48]But that's cancer. 那是癌症啊 [00:16.24]WOMAN: Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald? 是Fitzgerald夫妇吗? [00:18.96]l'm Ileana Farquad.

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 05

    [00:06.60]Or did we iust want what we wanted? 又或我们仅仅只是想着自己的需要? [00:09.80]She was so little when all this started. 开始时她那么小 [00:12.08]When did she start wanting to make her own decisions? 什么时候她想自

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 07

    [00:01.12]She had taken a six-month leave of absence... 她缺席了六个月 [00:04.32]...to deal with her grief... 来安抚自己的悲痛 [00:06.52]...and this was the first time l'd seen her back in court. 这是她重回法庭后,我第一次看

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 08

    [00:05.60]Look at me. crying like an idiot. 看看我,哭得像个白痴 [00:09.20]You're not an idiot. 你不是白痴 [00:13.96]l see idiots every day. 我每天都能看见白痴 [00:17.76]You're not even close. 你一点也不像 [00:20.44]You

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 10

    [00:08.92]Hello? 你好? [00:08.96]TAYLOR:: Ohay, l iust wanted to mahe sure you didn't give me a bogus number. 好的,我就是确定一下你没有给我一个空号 [00:16.64]SARA: The radiation. which ultimately put Kate into remission... 化疗

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 11

    [00:03.52]What was it like? Was it sexy? Was it gross? 那怎么样,性感的,狂野的? [00:06.00]- Was there a lot of tongue? - No. - 有舌吻吗? - 没有 [00:11.88]lt was nice. 但是很美妙 [00:13.64]How did you know what to do? 你怎么

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 12

    [00:02.28]SARA: Are you ready? ANNA: Okay. ready. - 准备好了? - 好的,好了 [00:02.72]Come here. Hurry. quick. 到这儿来,快,快点 [00:04.80]She's coming down. 她下来了 [00:06.12]Oh. my God. 噢,天啊 [00:08.92]KELLY: There s

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 13

    [00:01.76]He won't return my calls. l leave messages and he won't call me. 他不回我电话,我留言了,他也不回复我 [00:05.04]No. 没有 [00:05.16]- Did you guys get into a fight after the prom? 你们参加舞会之后吵了一架? [

  • • 听电影学英语-姐姐的守护者 14

    [00:06.52]l can't. 我不能 [00:09.96]She's exhausted. Dialysis really wiped her out. 她精疲力竭了,透析彻底摧毁了她 [00:10.88]BRIAN: How's she doing? 她怎么样了? [00:14.24]KATE (FAINTLY): l wanna go to the beach. 我要去海滩