• • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 01

    [00:21.40]I'm in a new place with the same face 我来到了一个新的地方 [00:25.12]But nothing is familiar to me 人生 地也不熟 [00:30.80]But there's a strong gust, and the winds change 有一场暴风雨即将来临 [00:34.84]And it's bri

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 02

    [00:01.08]I have to fight against in my house. 是我在这个家庭里 需要抗争的事情之一 [00:04.36]Gross injustice is another. 另一项是反对十足的不公道 [00:05.24]The only person I can turn to is Stu Wolff, 我唯一可以信赖的

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 03

    [00:06.16]After three weeks, 三个星期后 [00:08.12]I'm getting used to the rich part of town. 我开始逐渐适应 小镇的生活了 [00:10.24]Gated, dull, Armani-ridden. 我被关过紧闭,单调, 沉湎于阿玛尼 [00:13.52]You know, I'm

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 04

    [00:02.32]Not stick to the original? 不照着剧本演? [00:06.64]Not stick to the exquisite words of Mr. George Bernard Shaw? 不照着乔治伯纳德肖的 高雅的词句演? [00:07.20]We're not English, and this isn't the 19th century, 我们又

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 06

    [00:04.08]just called me to tell me what he found out about the band. 刚刚打电话给我 告诉我一些乐队的内幕 [00:05.92]Oh, really? 哦,真的吗? [00:08.40]What he told me isn't available to the public yet. 他说的那些目前还不

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 07

    [00:03.96]I'd die of shame. 否则我会羞死的 [00:05.84]Okay. All right. OK,好吧 [00:07.12]- Love you. - Love you, too. - 爱你 - 也爱你 [00:07.24]Bye. 再见 [00:09.64]Hello? Yeah. Hello? 是 [00:13.20]- Om. - I'll try it. - 嗯 - 我跟她

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 08

    [00:02.68]Ella and I could use, as you say, adult supervision. 我和埃拉可以接受, 用你们的说法就是成人督导 [00:05.56]- Uh-huh. - So here's the plan. - 阿-哈 - 我的计划是这样的 [00:07.84]You drive us to the train in broa

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 09

    [00:01.08]Why would anything be missing here? 为什么会丢东西? [00:04.48]Well, I have no idea, do I? 我不知道 [00:07.64]You know, I just want to talk to you about my lines. 你知道,我想和你 讨论一下我的台词 [00:08.52]I don

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 10

    [00:06.60]LOLA: Look for someone who's selling tickets. 洛拉:寻找买票的人 [00:10.24]Isn't there a stall or something? 这里有货摊或是类似的东西吗? [00:11.48]No. They're just ordinary people doing ordinary scalping. 不,只是一

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 11

    [00:02.16]The crime rate in New York is going down. 纽约的犯罪率正在下降 [00:06.24]Come on. Let's go. 快,我们走吧 [00:19.16]There's a man and a dog following us. 有个人带了只狗正跟踪我们 [00:23.92]Okay. Stay here. I'll ha

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 12

    [00:03.24]So, what will it be? 你们要点什么? [00:06.12]Do you think I have any real friends? 你以为我有真正的朋友吗? [00:08.20]We'll just have coffee. 我们只要咖啡 [00:10.40]Not me. 我不要 [00:11.08]I'll have a deluxe ha

  • • 英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 13

    [00:02.96]My niece loves those books. 我的外甥女很喜欢看这些书 [00:04.16]- You're famous! - He's not as famous as you. - 你很出名啊! - 还是您更加出名 [00:07.24]Molly's not gonna believe I've actually met you. 莫丽一定不相