• • 听电影学英语-复制娇妻 02

    [00:09.46]And... 好了 [00:10.34]...on Thursdays... 在星期四 [00:12.18]No, this is not just a TV show. 不,这不仅仅是电视秀 [00:17.42]No, this is a breakthrough, a breakout, a break-all-the-rules 不,这是具有创造力,突破性

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    [00:26.30]Of course. 当然 [00:29.46]Thank you for being so classy and taking this so well. 感谢你举止这么得体 如此平静的接受 [00:58.58]Joanna, we just wanted to say that this is so not fair. 乔安娜,我们只想说这对你很不公

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    [00:01.74]And Kimberly, aren't you just the cutest little bug's ear. 还有金芭莉 你真是最可爱的小虫子耳朵 [00:03.50]Bugs don't have ears. 虫子没有耳朵 [00:05.78]Isn't she sassy, and a little sad. 她可真淘气,有点悲伤 [

  • • 听电影学英语-复制娇妻 06

    [00:02.22]- There you go. - Stepford stallions love their mares - 开始了 - 斯戴福的绅士们爱他们的小姐 [00:07.18]All men left, all men right 男士左,男士右 [00:11.18]Rope that filly, she won't bite 紧握着,她不会放的 [0

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    [00:05.82]Because I thought that if I was around, I could help you lighten up. 因为我想如果我在旁边 可以让你轻松一点 [00:11.06]You did? 真的? [00:13.86]Yeah, I did. What was that one show called? 对,是的,那个节目叫什么

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    [00:02.34]We have to get out of here. 我们必须得离开 [00:04.34]- Put it down. Come on. - OK, let's try and use this. - 放下,快点 - 好,让我们来用用这个 [00:07.70]We have to go. 我们必须得走了 [00:26.46]I'm so embarrassed

  • • 听电影学英语-复制娇妻 09

    [00:06.94]Now, Bobbie, we all realize you're probably feeling a bit uncomfortable 那么,芭比 我们都意识到你对这周所选的书 [00:10.58]with this week's book because you're... 可能会有一点不舒服 因为你是 [00:11.90]- Oh, wh

  • • 听电影学英语-复制娇妻 10

    [00:04.53]Damn. Come on, let's go. 该死,来吧,我们走 [00:05.52]You think this is all right, sneaking around? 你觉得这样没问题吗 在这里偷偷摸摸的 [00:07.20]Add it up. 你想一想 [00:10.48]All the women around here are perf

  • • 听电影学英语-复制娇妻 11

    [00:05.52]Why did Jerry ask us to meet him here? 为什么杰瑞要我们到这里和他见面 [00:09.28]Proud that I can introduce Stepford's brand-new candidate for state senate. 很自豪我可以向你们介绍 斯戴福全新的州参议员候选人

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    [00:03.20]华尔街日报 萨拉桑德森 [00:21.20]萨拉桑德森 被任命为环球航空公司总裁 [00:32.20]夏梅范松特:上诉法庭法官 [00:42.20]冠军小猎犬消失 [00:52.20]Sweetcakes? 小甜心? [00:54.12]It's 4 a.m. What are

  • • 听电影学英语-复制娇妻 13

    [00:01.04]I know you've got the kids. 我知道你接了孩子 [00:04.24]Pete, Kimberly! 皮特,金芭莉! [01:08.60]Oh, boys. 嘿,男孩子们 [01:14.20]Welcome. 欢迎 [01:32.08]Where are my children? 我的孩子在哪儿? [01:32.20]- They

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    [00:04.32]It's a painting again. 又变成一幅画了 [00:06.28]I should explain. You see, 我要解释一下 [00:09.60]my real name isn't Mike. 我的真名并不叫迈克 [00:13.08]It's just a nickname from where I used to work. 只是我在原来工