• • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 01

    [01:07.18]I loved my mother so much 我爱我的母亲 [01:15.38]She was a drug addict 她是个瘾君子 [01:17.38]She was an alcoholic 她是个酒鬼 [01:18.10]She was legally blind 而且基本失明 [01:23.38]She was a schizophrenic 患有精神分

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 02

    [00:01.86](Father) (Father) Who's Noel Coward [00:05.50]See they fixed the light for a change. 我看他们得把灯换一个. [00:06.66]not easy to break them again 没被砸碎就算幸运的了 [00:08.66]No, No, No. She's ok, see the water runs do

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 03

    [00:11.46](monologue) and I itched from *** and it burned between my legs. My teachers were always telling not to finch it. 虱子让我身上奇痒,而且在我两腿间乱跳。老师叫我不要去挠 [00:16.26](monologue) and my underwear. I di

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 04

    [00:05.34]I ain't go to school. I ran away too young. Don't you ever run away from home. 我没上过学,我很小时就离家了。你千万不能离家出走啊 [00:14.22]I won't 我不会的 [00:20.02]Liz, I'll always be here for you. 丽思,我

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 05

    [00:08.58](monologue) buzzed in, locked in. It was like visiting my mother. only I was in the crazy house now. 门铃声,反锁声,就像去探望我的妈咪。只是现在是我在疯人院 [00:57.10](monologue) and I didn't get out in 24 hours

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 06

    [00:13.62]What about my stuff? 那我的东西呢? [00:14.86]got thrown out 被扔掉了 [00:16.54]all of it, even my encyclopedias? 所有的,包括我的百科全书? [00:21.22]Look, pumpkin, I'm really sorry, you know, they boardered the who

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 07

    [00:05.70]You don't believe me? 你不相信我? [00:09.62]Yeah, I do. 没有,我相信 [00:12.50]No, you don't. 不,你不信 [00:20.38](music) (music) Ha Ha Ha check it out. [01:08.06]Don't throw it out before me 在我之前你还扔了谁?

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 09

    [00:02.98]Where did you go? 你去哪了啊? [00:08.26]I've ... I've been staying with friends. 我和朋友们呆在一起 [00:13.14]I miss you. 我想你 [00:21.34]pops... he hated me and I couldn't stay here. 爷爷,他讨厌我,我没能呆在

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 10

    [00:02.54](monologue) No, she was gone. 不,她离开了 [00:05.74]come on. let's go. 来,我们走 [00:05.82]no wait a minute. there should be a service. there should be a priest what's supposed to happen. 不,等一下,应该有个仪式,应

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 11

    [00:24.90](monologue) She lived in my heart. but I lived no where. I was all alone in the world. 她活在我的心中,我却没有地方去。我在这世界上很孤独 [00:36.50](monologue) you're 16 years old with 8th grade education, 16岁接受

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 12

    [00:02.42]why now? 为什么是现在? [00:07.02]My mother died of AIDS. she died a couple of months ago. 我的母亲死于艾滋,她几个月前死了 [00:13.62]It was real slap on the face. 就像几个巴掌打在我脸上 [00:20.54]I guess I

  • • 听电影学英语-风雨哈佛路 14

    [00:02.94]hey new girl 嗨 新来的 [00:04.10]you let me in but you don't remember my name 你让我入学却不知道我的名字 [00:07.02]Oh I remember your name. I just like the others gaining up your side. 我记得你的名字,我只是让其他