• • 听电影学英语-断背山2

    [01:50.20]Cant wait till I get my own spread... 我等不及要建立自己的牧场 [01:51.36]Oh, shit. 该死 [01:52.20]and I wont have to put up with Joe Aguirres crap no more. 也不用再听老板废话了 [01:57.20]Im savin for a place myself. 我

  • • 听电影学英语-断背山3

    [00:17.60]I dont rodeo much myself. 我没玩过多少次牛仔竞技 [00:22.68]I mean, whats the point... of ridin some piece of stock for eight seconds? 骑牲口八秒有啥意义? [00:26.04]Moneys a good point. True enough. 钱就很有意义 [

  • • 听电影学英语-断背山4

    [00:36.00]Come on. 快 [02:03.16]This is a one-shot thing we got goin on here. 这只是一次意外事件 [02:11.60]Its nobodys business but ours. 这是我们之间的事 [02:15.76]You know I aint queer. 你知道我不是同志 [02:18.64]Me, neith

  • • 听电影学英语-断背山5

    [00:53.40]Count aint what Id hoped for, neither. 我也不想数了 [00:55.44]You ranch stiffs, you aint never no good. 你们这些牧场工,实在不怎样 [01:15.08]Wanna give it some gas? 催点油下去 [01:26.40]I cant believe I left my damn

  • • 听电影学英语-断背山7

    [00:00.85]Okay, we take one more bite, and then youre finished with dinner. 再吃一口 然后就可以不用吃了 [00:41.68]Jack fuckin Twist. 该死的杰克特斯 [00:48.60](Jack) Son of a bitch. 这个混蛋 [00:56.00]Come here. 过来 [01:56.9

  • • 听电影学英语-断背山8

    [00:01.28]Once in a while. Every four fucking years? 偶尔?每四年一次? [00:08.04]Well, if you cant fix it, Jack, you gotta stand it. 如果你无法改变,就得忍受它 [00:16.00]For how long? 忍多久? [00:19.08](Ennis) As long as w

  • • 听电影学英语-断背山9

    [00:28.00](speaks Spanish) 先生? [00:54.68](Lureen) Comin up. 来了 [00:58.24]Here we go. Here we are! 上桌了 [01:06.68]The stud duck do the carvin around here. 老丈人在此,我来切 [01:07.48]Whoa there, Rodeo. 等等,牛仔 [01:09.8

  • • 听电影学英语-断背山10

    [00:07.96]Just finished my shift. Wanna dance? 我刚下班,要跳舞吗? [00:10.32]I was on my way to the-- 我正要去 [00:16.08]Ennis. Del Mar. 艾尼斯戴尔玛 [00:46.60]No more dancin for me, I hope. 我不要再跳舞了 [00:50.60]Youre

  • • 听电影学英语-断背山11

    [00:28.00]I guess Ill head up on to Lightning Flat. 我想我会回老家去一两天 [00:32.12]See the folks for a day or two. 看看我父母 [00:41.12]Theres somethin I been meanin to tell you, bud. 我有话一直想告诉你 [00:46.60]Well, its

  • • 听电影学英语-断背山12

    [00:01.96]Ennis Del Mar. Im an old buddy of Jacks. 艾尼斯戴尔玛,杰克的老朋友 [00:06.08](Lureen) Jack used to mention you. 杰克曾提起过你 [00:06.32]Youre the fishing buddy or the hunting buddy, I know that. 你是他钓鱼还是打猎