• • 听电影学英语-重返17岁 01

    [00:56.70]MAN: ODonnell, save something for the game. 奥唐纳,留点体力给比赛吧 [01:00.38]Im just warming up, coach. 我不过是在热身,教练 [01:04.38]Just talked to the scout again. Hes coming tonight. 刚刚我又和球探谈了,他

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    [00:02.22]Oh, and it gets better, because we are going to T.G.I. Fridays! 噢,还有更精彩的 我们要去星期五餐厅庆祝一番 [00:04.22]- Shut up! - Aah! - 你没骗我? - 哇! [01:11.60]MAN: Mike ODonnell. 麦克奥唐纳 [01:19.18]

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    [00:01.74]Yeah. 怎么了? [00:03.74]I think you quit that one because you just decided not to try anymore. 我觉得你只是因为不想再尝试一下 所以就半途而废了 [00:05.78]Look, try to see things from my point of view. 听着,你应

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    [00:04.98]You have an undescended testicle. 你有隐睾症 [00:09.14]Googleable! Google 上查得到! [00:10.98]Ned! 奈德! [00:12.82]You helped me cheat on my math test, but I got caught. 你帮我在数学考试上作弊 但我却被抓住了

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    [00:06.18]- Wouldnt you, if you had the chance? - No. - 你难道不会吗,如果你有机会的话? - 不会 [00:09.50]Im rich, and nobody stuck my head in a toilet today. 我现在很有钱,而且也没有人 再把我的头塞进马桶里 [0

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    [00:04.70]Hey, look, you always had my back in high school, okay? 你看,高中时你总是在背后支持我 不是吗? [00:07.02]So if your spirit guide wants you to be a fake teenager... 所以如果你的精神引导者 想要你假装成青少

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    [00:10.62]Dont hurt yourself, big boy. 别让自己受伤了,大男孩 [00:22.50]Whoa, whoa, hey. Drinking age is still 21, thank you very much. 哇,哇,嗨,喝酒年龄是二十一岁 非常感谢 [00:25.86]Unless your spirit guide gave you

  • • 听电影学英语-重返17岁 11

    [00:05.64]Yeah. Obviously, I still have a lot to do. 很显然,我还有不少工作要做 [00:05.80]Oh, wow. 噢,好 [00:11.64]- You can put that... - Right here? - 你能把那个放在 - 这里吗? [00:11.84]All right. 好 [00:13.10]Thank yo

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    [00:18.40]- What are you looking at? - That was great. - 你干嘛一直盯着我? - 棒极了 [00:22.92]That is The Snake. 这是蛇舞 [00:24.56]That was a very hot dance when you were 1. 在你刚出生的时候 这是很热门的舞步 [00:29.6

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    [00:02.68]Youre absolutely right. 你说得完全没错 [00:05.36]Im just going to walk up to her and introduce myself. 我就要走向她,向她介绍我自己 [00:09.72]Tomorrow at school. Maybe. Probably not. 我是说明天去学校以后 也许会

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    [00:02.08]Youre the sweetest. 你是最贴心的 [00:03.08]- Thank you. - Its okay. - 谢谢你 - 好了 [00:05.92]- Ow. Oh. - Thank you. - 噢,噢 - 谢谢你 [00:08.76]Anyways, I, uh, came over here... I was looking for you. 总之,我过来这儿