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    [00:03.28]- My wife on? - Yes, Captain. 我老婆连线了吗? 是的,队长 [00:07.56]- My ladies! - Look. 我的老婆女儿 [00:09.44]Oh, my goodness. Look at her. She's getting so big. 看看她,她长得好大 [00:10.88]Look at those cheek

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    [00:02.88]And here we have some of the basic instruments and tools 这些是19世纪船员 [00:06.08]used by 19th-century seamen. 使用的基本工具和装备 [00:09.04]It's all for sale, by the way. 全都有打折 [00:09.20]This here is the quadr

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    [00:02.68]Get your clown cousin and get some hammers 曼尼,去找你的小丑表弟 [00:06.72]and come bang this stuff out, baby! 拿根榔头把凹痕敲掉,把这家伙搞定 [00:07.56]... greater than man... 比人类伟大 [00:08.84]That one

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    [00:03.04]It looked right at me. 它直直地瞪着我 [00:03.52]All right, we got to get this thing back to the Pentagon right away. 我们得把这照片传回五角大厦 [00:07.28]They got to know what we're dealing with here. 他们必须知道敌

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    [00:01.24]I mean, I'm not that friend. I mean, we... I could be. 我不是你的男友 虽然我可以当你的男友 [00:03.12]I feel good 哇,我好爽! [00:05.32]Just pop the hood. 把引擎盖打开 [00:06.80]Stupid. Shut up, shut up, shut up

  • • 听电影学英语-变形金刚 08

    [00:05.52]Whoever finds this, my car is alive, okay? You saw that? 如果有人找到这手机 我的车子活过来了!看到吗? [00:09.68]Since this is my last words on Earth, I just wanna say, Mom, Dad, I love you, 这是我的遗言 我只想说

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    [00:02.24]Get back! 退回去! [00:04.92]Stop! 快跑! [00:09.32]God! 跑呀 [00:10.80]What is your problem, Sam? 你有什么毛病啊? [00:12.28]Okay, there's a monster right there! It just attacked me! 有一个怪物,它攻击我 [00:14.6

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    [00:05.92]Excuse me, are you the tooth fairy? 对不起,你是牙仙吗? [00:09.00]Hey, sweetheart, what are you doing out here by yourself? 小乖,你一个人在这里干嘛? [00:13.76]Holy God! What happened to the pool? 老天爷,泳池是

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    [00:06.84]The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses. 火种源在地球的座标 就被植入了他的眼镜 [00:12.60]How'd you know about his glasses? 你怎么知道他眼镜的事? [00:15.16]- EBay. - EBay. e

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    [00:01.68]No, no, no, no. He's not a rodent, he's a Chihuahua. 不,它不是老鼠,是吉娃娃 [00:04.76]This is my... This is my Chihuahua. We love Chihuahuas! Don't we? 它是我的吉娃娃小狗 大家都爱吉娃娃,对吧? [00:08.96]He