• • 天才宝贝熊 第1期:穿什么呢(1)

    Ah. Come look, it's snowing, see? 啊。看,下雪了,看到了吗? Lots of snow. 好多雪。 Let's go play in the snow. 我们去玩雪吧。 I have too much to do this morning. 今天早上我有很多事情要做。 You go ahead, Little Bear.

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第2期:穿什么呢(2)

    Oh, is somebody here? 哦, 有人在这里吗? Done playing so soon? 这么快就玩完了? Mother bear, I'm cold. 熊妈妈,我冷。 Ah. Well. Then I guess you must want something to put on. 啊。好。那么我想你一定是想要穿点什么。

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第3期:穿什么呢(3)

    I'm so cold. 我冷。 Do you want something? 你想要再穿点什么吗? I'll close my eyes now. 我现在闭上眼睛了。 Good idea. Let's see. 好主意,让我来看看。 Here is just the thing, already. 就是这一件,好了。 Snow pa

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第4期:穿什么呢(4)

    What can you want now? 现在你要做什么? I'm still cold. 我还是冷。 My Little Bear. You have a hat, you have a coat, you have snow pants. 我的小熊宝贝,你已经有帽子,大衣,雪裤了。 Do you want a fur coat too? 难道你还

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第5期:穿什么呢(5)

    You can't possibly be cold. 你现在不冷了吧。 No, but, come on. 不是冷。不过, Wait .Close your eyes .No peeking. 快来。等等,先闭上眼睛。不许偷看。 Okay. You can look now. 好了。你现在可以看了。 A Snow Bear.

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第6期:穿什么呢(6)

    I miss Father Bear. 我想爸爸了。 I wish he could see my Snowman. 我希望他能看到我的雪人。 I miss him too. We will tell him all about it when he gets back. 我也想他了,他回来时我们告诉他所有的这些事情。 Wait, I

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第7期:捉迷藏(1)

    Where is Cat? 猫在哪里? Hi, Cat, where were you? 嗨,猫,你在哪里? Hiding. 藏着呢。 That's a good idea. Let's play hide and seek. 这是一个好主意。让我们玩捉迷藏吧。 Yeah, an excellent idea. 是啊,一个很好的主

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第9期:捉迷藏(3)

    All the best spots are taken. 所有的好地方都被占了。 You'd better hurry, Hen. 你最好快点,母鸡。 Seven, eight, one. 七,八,一 。 No, I don't think I mean one. 不,我不认为我该数一。 Take that back. 收回那句话。

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第10期:捉迷藏(4)

    What's taking so long? 怎么这么长时间啊? Maybe I'll never be found. 也许我永远也不会被发现。 Hello, anyone there? 你好,有人在吗? I see you whoever you are. 不管你是谁,我看见你了。 Little Bear, I found you.

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第11期:捉迷藏(5)

    Look, Duck. 看,鸭子。 Footprints. I see my footprints. 脚印。我看到了我的脚印。 Uh, maybe Hen's been here. 也许,母鸡在这里。 Oh, you are right. Hen tracks. 哦,你是对的。母鸡的脚印。 And they go round, and rou

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第12期:捉迷藏(6)

    We see you,Owl. We see you. 我们找到你了,猫头鹰。我们找到你了。 I wasn't asleep by the way. 不过我没有睡着。 That was to fool you. 那是骗你们的。 Ha...Oh, look, we are all found. 哈.... ..哦,瞧,我们都被发现

  • • 天才宝贝熊 第13期:去月球(1)

    Look at me. I have a new space helmet. 看。我有一个新的太空帽。 I see. 我看见了。 I'm going to the moon. 我要去月球。 Oh, really? How? 真的哦?怎么去? I'm going to fly there. 我要飞到那里去。 Fly? You can't fly