• • 四六级必读美文系列:领导靠幽默与魅力发迹

    Humour and charm are a surprisingly powerful combination as a means of ascent in life. 作为人生发迹的手段之一,幽默和魅力是一对效力惊人的组合。 I have met a number of entrepreneurs who have built fortunes on the back of th

  • • 四六级必读美文系列:孩子最爱的玩具是手机

    Yesterday, my toddler broke another toy. But this wasn't an inexpensive, plastic doo-dad. It was my husband's iPhone. 昨天,我家宝宝又弄坏了一个玩具。但这可不是便宜的塑料小玩意儿。那是我丈夫的iPhone手机。 Like

  • • 四六级必读美文系列:省钱健身新趋势

    Money or the lack of it, changes everything, and that includes how people will be working out in 2010. 有钱或者没钱能够改变一切,这其中包括在2010年人们锻炼身体的方式。 (1) In these belt-tightening times, cost-conscious w

  • • 四六级必读美文系列:选择的正确时刻

    If you're gay or lesbian and you're closeted at your office, you're not alone. Despite major strides in acceptance over the last 15 years, many still struggle with the decision to come out at work. 如果你是个同性恋,又在办公室掩饰自己

  • • 四六级必读美文系列:女性低估自身工作表现

    What do your co-workers think of your performance on the job? 你的同事认为你的工作表现如何? If you're a woman, you're three times more likely than a man to answer that question wrong. 如果你是女性,那你答错这个问题的机率