• • 世界500强CEO访谈 第1期:沃尔玛李.斯科特 我们关注环保(1)

    We care about environment protection 我们关注环保 Reporter:When you started focusing on the environment at Wal-Mart, 记者:当您致力于整顿沃尔玛的环境问题时, you were under an organized attack from union-backgroups that were

  • • 世界500强CEO访谈 第7期:宝洁雷富礼 设计是我们的核心能力(1)

    Design Is Our Core Competency 设计是我们的核心能力 Reporter:Is it true that you once spoke to a group of Wall Street analysts on the importance of design? 记者:您与华尔街的分析家们讨论过设计的重要性,是真的吗?

  • • 世界500强CEO访谈 第8期:宝洁雷富礼 设计是我们的核心能力(2)

    Reporter: Most PG products are sold in supermarkets and drugstores where the shelves are packed. How do you get shoppers to notice and buy your brand? 记者:很多宝洁的产品都是在超市或者药店的货架上进行销售,而那些货架往

  • • 世界500强CEO访谈 第9期:宝洁雷富礼 设计是我们的核心能力(3)

    Reporter:Since you joined PG in 1977, how has the marketplace changed? 记者:自从您1977年加入宝洁以来,市场都发生了怎样的变化呢? Lafley: First, the power has shifted from the manufacturer and the retailer to the consumer.

  • • 世界500强CEO访谈 第13期:通用里克瓦格纳 如何逆转衰退(1)

    Reporter: How does it feel to lose the top spot on your watch? 记者:通用汽车失去了其世界顶级汽车品牌的地位,对此您感受如何呢? Wagoner: Its not something wed relish. Weve been number one in the world for 75 years, and

  • • 世界500强CEO访谈 第15期:通用里克瓦格纳 如何逆转衰退(3)

    Reporter: What do you say to those shareholders who are fed up with the stock price? 记者:那您将对那些对股票价格感到烦躁的股东们说些什么呢? Wagoner: Im a big shareholder myself; I share the frustration. Im confident that