• • 生活口语天天说 第1期:如何催人起床

    经典句型:It's time to get up.该起床了。 A: It's time to get up. B: What time is it? A: lt,s seven o'clock. 甲:该起床了。 乙:现在几点了? 甲:7点了。 经典句型:I stayed up late last night.我昨晚睡得很晚。

  • • 生活口语天天说 第2期:怎样布置做家务

    经典句型:Would you please clean the room for me?你帮我打扫一下房间好吗? A:Would you please clean the room for me? 甲:你帮我打扫一下房间好吗? B:Why dont you do it yourself? 乙:你为什么不自己做呢? A:I'm so t

  • • 生活口语天天说 第3期:怎样谈论天气

    经典句型:It's very cool today.今天真凉快啊。 A:It's very cool today. 甲:今天真凉快啊。 B:Yes.Because it rained yesterday. 乙:是的,因为昨天下雨了。 A:Let's go to the park to enjoy the nice weather. 甲:天气这么好,

  • • 生活口语天天说 第5期:怎样谈论丢失的物品

    经典句型:Mom,I couldn't find my watch. 妈妈,我找不到手表了。 A:Mom,I couldn't find my watch. 甲:妈妈,我找不到手表了。 B:Did you drop it on the way to school? 乙:是不是掉在上学的路上了? A:It's impossible.I

  • • 生活口语天天说 第6期:怎样谈论结婚与蜜月

    经典句型:My elder sister is getting married next month.下个月我姐姐要结婚了。 A:My elder sister is getting married next month. 甲:下个月我姐姐要结婚了。 B:Are they going to get married in a church? 乙:他们要在教堂结

  • • 生活口语天天说 第7期:怎样谈论吃饭

    经典句型:I'm srarving.我要饿死了。 A:Can we have supper now? 甲:我们现在可以吃晚饭吗? B:Wait a moment.Your father is coming back soon. 乙:等一会儿。你爸爸马上就要回来了。 A:I can't wait any longer.I'm starvin

  • • 生活口语天天说 第8期:怎样谈论故障

    经典句型: Something is wrong with the washing machine. 洗衣机出故障了。 A:What happened? 甲:怎么了? B:Something is wrong with the washing machine. 乙:洗衣机出故障了。 A:Let's have it repaired. 甲:找人修修吧。 经典句

  • • 生活口语天天说 第9期:怎样问路

    经典句型: Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the museum,please?打扰了,请问去博物馆怎么走? A:Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the museum,please? 甲:打扰了,请问去博物馆怎么走? B:Turn right and

  • • 生活口语天天说 第10期:怎样询问信息

    经典句型: Is there an ATM in our community? 我们社区内有ATM机吗? A:Is there an ATM in our community? 甲:我们社区内有ATM机吗? B:Yes,there is one. 乙:是的,有一个。 A:Where is it? 甲:在哪里? B:It is outside the su

  • • 生活口语天天说 第11期:怎样寻求帮助

    经典句型: I'd like to ask you for help. 我想请您帮忙。 A:I'd like to ask you for help. 甲:我想请您帮忙。 B:I'm glad to help you.What's the matter? 乙:很高兴帮助你。什么事? A:Would you please look after my pet dog? 甲:您

  • • 生活口语天天说 第12期:怎样抱怨噪音

    经典句型: I can't stand the noise. 我忍受不了噪音。 A:Would you please turn down your radio? 甲:请把收音机的音量调低好吗? B:What's wrong? 乙:怎么了? A:I can't stand the noise. 甲:我忍受不了噪音。 B:Sorry,I'll

  • • 生活口语天天说 第13期:怎样谈论社区活动

    经典句型: There is a party tonight. 今晚有个晚会。 A:There is a party tonight. 甲:今晚有个晚会。 B:PWhen and where? 乙:什么时间,在哪儿? A:Six o'clock,in the hall. 甲:6点,在礼堂。 B:What a pitty!I won't come back

  • • 生活口语天天说 第15期:怎样谈论志愿者活动

    经典句型: Where are you heading? 你去哪儿? A:Where are you heading? 甲:你去哪儿? B:I'm going to the Senior Citizen's club. 乙:我去老年俱乐部。 A:Why do you go there? 甲:为什么去那里? B:I want to become a volunteer. 乙