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  • 亲子英语001 亲子英语001
  • 亲子英语002添加文本 ACT 1 作息起居 SCENE 1 起床 IT'S TIME TO GET UP (ring~~~ ring~~~ ring~~~) MOM: Peter,it's time to get up. SON: Ten more minutes,mom. MOM: What time is it now? SON: It's already 8 o'clock. MOM: Well.honey,wake up,or you'll be late for shcool. 译文
  • 亲子英语003 SCENE 2 更衣 TAKE OFF YOUR PAJAMAS 把睡衣脱掉 现在让我们听听一下的对话: MOM:Peter,take off your pajamas. SON:What should I wear today? MOM:It's chilly outside,so don't forget to put on your jacket. SON:How's the shirt? MOM:Son,it
  • 亲子英语004 招呼 How are you ? 你好吗? track 4 Son : Good morning ,mom. Mom : Good morning , sweetie . You finally got up. Son : I'm still sleepy. Mom : Did you stay up late last night? Son : No , I couldn't fall asleep last night. 译文: Son : 早上好
  • 亲子英语005 go wash your face 去洗脸 Peter,it's time to eat breakfast. I am brushing my teeth. Alright,you better hurry,your bus is coming. Mom~the toothpaste dropped on my shorts. Oh,dear,go get another pair.I'll help you change your shorts. 词汇 better 较佳
  • 亲子英语006 The bath is ready Mom:Be careful.The floor is slippery. Child:Mom,there isn't any hot water. Mom:Turn on the shower. Child:It's getting cold. Mom:Ok.I'll check the heater. Dry yourself with the towel first. 词汇: bath 洗澡,澡棚 be careful 注
  • 亲子英语007 The school bus is waiting for you Child:Mom, I'm ready for school. Mom:Don't forger to come straight home after school. Child:I know,mom. Mom:Have you got everything? Child:Oh,my jump rope. Mom, can you get it for me? 词汇: around大约 come 来,
  • 亲子英语008 It's your bedtime. Dad:Jenny,you should go to bed now. Child:But it's still early. Dad:Don't stay up late. Child:But dady.I'm not sleepy. Dad:Well,honey.Turn off the light lie down and go to sleep. bedtime就寝时间 dinner time正餐时间 dream梦,
  • 亲子英语009 What's the homework today? Child: Dady,I'm home. Dad: Do you have any homework today? Child: I'll do it later. Dad: Go and do it now. Child: Can I have some cookies first, please? back向后,往回 cooky甜的饼干 cram school补习班 cupboard橱柜
  • 亲子英语010 How was school today? Father: How was school today? Child: It was great. I made some friends. Father: Really,that's good. Child: But the lessons this semester are a little bit hard. Father: They aren't hard. I am sure you can do it. abacus 算盘 cam
  • 亲子英语011 Nice to meet you. Child: Mom,this is my friend, Andy. Mom: Hi, Andy. Welcome to our house. Andy: Good to meet you, Aunty Sue. Mom: I'm glad to meet you,too. Child: Mom,can we go play volleyball now? Mom: Of course. Off you go. certainly当然,没问题
  • 亲子英语012 Who is your best friend? Mother: How many classmates are there in your class? Child: There are thirty-six students in our class. Mother: So how many friends do you have? Child: I have a lot of friends. Mother: Who is your best friend? Child: Andy is
  • 亲子英语013 What club do you belong to? Andy: Peter, which club do you want to join? Peter: I haven't decided yet. What about you, Andy? Andy: I am a member of the basketball club. Do you want to join us? Peter: But I don't know how to play basketball. Andy: It'
  • 亲子英语014 Scene13 School Sports Day is on this Saturday. Father: Jenny,what day is the Sports Day? Child:Its on this Saturday. Father:Where is it being held? Child:Its in the Sports Center at our school. Father:Are you in any competitions for Sports Day? Child
  • 亲子英语015 scene14 餐前准备 Wash your hands before dinner. 晚餐前先洗手。 Mom,what's for dinner tonight? 妈,今天晚上吃什么? We're having beef curry and rice today. 今天吃牛肉咖喱饭。 When will it be ready? 还要多久才准备好?