• • 情景会话口袋书人际篇01:初次见面(1)

    1.Hello! 你好! 还可说成: Hey! Hi! 应用解析: hello常用于比较正式的场合;Hi用语比较熟悉的人之间,比hello要随意一些;hey是熟人之间更随意的问候语,如果用在不是很熟悉的人之间,就显得

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇02:初次见面(2)

    6.where do you come from? 你从哪里来? 还可说成: where are you from? May I ask where do you come from? 应用解析 come from: 出生于,来自; come in 进来,进入; come across 偶然碰到,出现于,想到;come back 回来

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇03:初次见面(3)

    10.What's your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字? 还可说成: May I have your name, please? Can you tell me your name? 应用解析: name 常用的意思有: 外号,绰号;名胜,名誉;提名,任命;给取名,给命名。

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇04:初次见面(4)

    15.How was your family? 你家人还好吧? 还可说成: How are your folks? What is going on with your family? 应用解析: Here's a how! 敬你一杯! How about that! 太好了! 16.My name is Mancy White. 我的名字叫南希怀特。 还

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇05:商务社交(1)

    1.How is every thing? 一切都好吗? 还可说成: Is everything OK? Is everything going well with you? 谚语: To know everything is to know nothing. 样样精通,样样稀松。 2.Thank you for your coming. 感谢您的到来。 还可说成

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇06:商务社交(3)

    13.It's going pretty well. 一切很顺利。 还可说成: It proceeded smoothly. Everything is OK. 应用解析: pretty much 几乎,差不多;pretty soft 容易的;合算的; pretty soon 立刻;pretty to-do 混乱,骚乱 14.Thank yo

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇07:熟人之间(1)

    1.Are you well? 你还好吗? 还可说成: Are you all right? Are you OK? 谚语: Well begun is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 2.Pretty well.非常好。 还可说成: Excellent! Couldn't be better! 谚语: Let well alone.

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇08:熟人之间(2)

    8.How is your vacation? 假期怎么样啊? 还可说成: How is your holliday? How about your hollidays? 9.Hey, we meet again. 嗨,我们又见面了? 还可说成: Hey, it's very nice to see you again. Hey, glad to see you again. 10.Long

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇09:熟人之间(3)

    13. See what the wind blow in! 看谁来了。 还可说成: Look who is there! Look what the cat dragged in! 应用解析: blow the gaff 泄露秘密;blow (sb.) a kiss 送某人飞吻。blow one's nose 擤鼻涕;blow hot and cold about somet

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇12:节日问候(3)

    13.I need to choose a gift for my father. 我需要给我的爸爸买一份礼物。 还可说成: A gift need be chosen for my father. I need to pick up a gift for my father. 应用解析: as you choose 随你喜欢,随你的便;can not choo

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇14:生活中的争吵(2)

    7.Shut up! 闭嘴! 还可说成: I've had enough of your garbage. Be quiet! 应用解析: shut the door against somebody 把某人拒之门外;shut the door in a person's face 使某人吃闭门羹; be shut of somebody 摆脱某人;shut a

  • • 情景会话口袋书人际篇15:生活中的争吵(3)

    13.I can't take you anymore! 我再也受不了你了。 还可说成: I'm going to put up with you! I can't stand you. 应用解析: take 原来的意思是拿,带走;花费;乘坐;拍;获得;忍受。例如: I'd like to take a bik