• • 欧美名人演讲 第1期:奥巴马2015白宫晚宴(1)

    The president often criticized for his caution is now doing things in his own way. 由于谨慎而时常遭受批评的总统现在决定任性一回。 He is cut a climate deal with China and he issued an immigration order. 他与中国达成了气候

  • • 欧美名人演讲 第2期:奥巴马2015白宫晚宴(2)

    Take executive action on immigration. 在移民问题上采取执行行动。 Bucket. 去他的。 New climate regulations. 新气候规定。 Bucket. 去他的。 It's the right thing to do. 这么做才对。 My new attitude is paying off. 我的新态

  • • 欧美名人演讲 第3期:奥巴马2015白宫晚宴(3)

    Look, it is true I have not managed to make everybody happy. 看,我没办法做到让每个人都高兴。 Six years into my presidency some people still say I'm arrogant, aloof, condescending. 六年总统任期间,一些人说我自大、冷漠、

  • • 欧美名人演讲 第4期:奥巴马2015白宫晚宴(4)

    You know, I just have to put this stuff aside. 我得把这些事情放在一边, I have to stay focused on my job. 我必须专注于我的工作。 Because for many Americans this is still a time of deep uncertainty. 因为对很多美国人来说,

  • • 欧美名人演讲 第7期:奥巴马2015白宫晚宴(7)

    Hold on to your lily white butts! 把你们的白屁股坐好了! In our fast-changing world, traditions like the White House Correspondents' dinner are important. 在这个瞬息万变的世界,白宫记者晚宴这种传统是很重要的。 I

  • • 欧美名人演讲 第8期:奥巴马2015白宫晚宴(8)

    The science is clear, the science is clear. 科学是明确的,科学是明确的。 Nine out of the 10 hottest years ever came in the last decade. 在过去十年里产生了九个最热的年份。 Now I'm not a scientist, but I do know how to co

  • • 欧美名人演讲 第9期:奥巴马2015白宫晚宴(9)

    We remember the journalists unjustly imprisoned around the world, including our own Jason Rezaian. 我们铭记被不公正的关押在世界各地的记者,包括我们自己的Jason Rezaian。 For nine months, Jason has been imprisoned in Tehran

  • • 欧美名人演讲 第10期:跟乔布斯学习演讲技巧(1)

    Anyone who has watched a Steve Jobs keynote will tell you he is one of the most extraordinary speakers in corporate America. 但凡看过Steve Jobs的主题演讲的人都觉得,他是全美最棒的演说家和合作伙伴。 Who does the best job

  • • 欧美名人演讲 第11期:跟乔布斯学习演讲技巧(2)

    Remember, Jobs isn't selling hardware. 切记,乔布斯不是在推销设备, He's selling an experience. 他是在推销一种体验。 If you offer numbers and statistics make them meaningful. 如果你要引用数据,让它们变得有意义。

  • • 欧美名人演讲 第12期:跟乔布斯学习演讲技巧(3)

    If you really want your presentation to pop, treat it like a show, with heads and flows and themes and transitions. 如果你真的想要演讲出类拔萃,就把它当作一场演出,各种标题、流程、主题和过渡。 Jobs includes video